瑜伽yoga[英]['jəʊɡə] [美][ˈjoɡə] 中英文故事:瑜伽学生(1) 我想走掉,却挪不动步子。我光着脚坐在大厅里,坐在瑜伽教室那扇关着的门外。由于担心会丢人现眼,我把鞋子和皮包留在了教室里。要是我没把车钥匙放在钱包里就好了。报名参加这个瑜伽班的时候,我都想什么去了? 一向愤世嫉俗的我怎么没把注意力集中在自己身上,考虑一下自己的内心感受? 我按时参加了第一堂课。虽然不太早,也没迟到,赶在正点上。然而,我仍然是最后一个到达的学员。我推开门,看到有20个学员安安静静地躺在各式各样的垫子上。天呐,垫子, 我是不是也该带一个过来? I want to leave but I can't. I am sitting barefoot in the lobby, outside the closed door of the yoga classroom,where my shoes and purse are being held hostage by my fear of embarrassment. If only my car keys weren’t in my purse. What could I possibly have been thinking when I enrolled in this class? That my cynical mind would somehow be able to concentrate exclusively on my inner self? I had arrived at the first class on time. Not early, but certainly not late—on the hour exactly. Still, I was the last to arrive. I opened the door to find 20 bodies quietly lying on an assortment of mats. Mats. Was I supposed to bring one? 中英文例句 1. Some types of yoga also involve meditation and chanting. 一些瑜伽也会伴随着冥想和咏唱。 2. Walking, yoga, and swimming are good exercises for pregnant women. 对孕妇来说,散步、瑜珈和游泳都是不错的选择。 3. After all how was yoga born? 到底瑜伽时怎么诞生的? 4. Yoga works on controlled breathing techniques. 瑜伽致力于呼吸控制的技巧。 5. You could also try using a yoga dvd. 你也可以利用瑜伽dvd和相关网站。 |