管乐队band[英][bænd] [美][bænd] 中英文对照:草根乐队亮相国家级舞台(1) 在田里耕作了一辈子之后,北斗村农民管乐队的队员们带着圆号和小号抵达北京——还带着新的人生观。 三年前,他们都是拿着锄头镰刀在地里耕种的农民。那时,种庄稼、养家糊口就是他们全部的日常生活。然而,上个月下旬,这16名来自重庆一个乡村的农民与中国国家交响乐团在北京音乐厅同台献艺,揭开了他们的新身份——北斗村的农民管乐队。 After a lifetime of farming, members of a village orchestra arrive in Beijing with their French horns and trumpets - and a new outlook on life. Deng Zhangyu catches up with an unlikely band. Three years ago, they were famers cultivating their land with hoes and sickles. Their daily life was all about planting corn and raising their families. Late last month, however, the 16 farmers from a village in Chongqing performed with the China National Symphony Orchestra at the Beijing Concert Hall, unveiling their new identity - the farmer orchestra from Beidou village. 中英文例句 1. Do your band mates give you a hard time? 乐队成员会给你难堪吗? 2. ( He and the band recently returned from a month-long european tour.) (他和乐队最近刚刚从长达一个月的欧洲巡演归来。) 3. That means the band pocketed more than$ 7,500 before midnight. 这意味着还不到午夜12点,就已有7,500美元进了这支乐队的口袋。 4. Donovan was a member of the phoenix metalcore band not quite bernadette. 多诺万是凤凰城金属核乐队Not Quite Bernadette的成员之一。 5. Stefani and two other band members worked there in high school. 斯蒂芬妮和乐队其他两位成员高中时期都曾在那里工作过。 |