女婴baby girl 中英文故事:不要只是希望(3) 父子问候的过程中,一个女婴(大约1岁或1岁半)在 妈妈的臂弯里动个不停,目不转睛地盯着归来的爸爸,显得非常激动,兴奋不已。爸爸一边说着"你好啊,乘女儿”,一边从妈妈怀里轻轻地抱过女儿,紧接着在女儿脸上亲个不停,然后把她抱在胸前摇来摇去。爸爸一摇,女婴立即放松下来,头靠在爸爸肩膀上,心满意足地一动不动。 While this was happening, a baby girl (perhaps one or one and a half) was squirming excitedly in hermother’s arms, never once taking her little eyes off the wonderful sight of her returning fa¬ther. The man said “Hi, babygirl!” as he gently took the child from her mother. He quickly kissed her face all over and then held her close to his chest while rocking her from side to side. The little girl instantly relaxed and simply laid her head on his shoulder and remained motionless in total pure contentment. 中英文例句 1. For the very poor, the pressures to bear sons result in mistreatment of both the baby girl and mother. 在赤贫的人家,没有生下儿子的话,那就意味着女婴和母亲都会被虐待。 2. Devi, from a small village in india, gave birth to a baby girl who weighed just over 3 pounds by caesarean section in november. devi来自印度的一个小村庄,在年11月通过剖腹产生下一个只有3磅多重的女婴。 3. But rural society is still constricted by isolation and hardship by lack of prospects and for women by dread of conceiving a baby girl. 但是农村社会仍然被孤立及艰苦、没有前途所限制,对女人来说,仍被怀了一个女孩的恐惧所压抑。 4. Are you gonna kill my baby girl? 你会杀了我的小女孩吗? 5. But a baby girl was born. 但是一个女儿诞生了。 |