当今社会处在浮躁的大环境下,娱乐圈明星们的任何事迹都能马上抓住公众的眼球,成为热点,而严肃类新闻却恰恰相反。 网上流传着一个笑话,“中国一位明星救了马来西亚”,在文章婚外情事件爆出后,还有谁关心飞机找到没呢? 文章,著名电影电视演员,今年三十岁,以屏幕上的“好男人”著称。在他的第二个女儿出生仅两个月后,狗仔队发现了他与著名女演员姚笛的婚外情事件,该女演员与文章此前在某电视剧中出演过对手戏。 A carnival atmosphere in the wake of a showbiz celebrity's hanky-panky coming to light speaks volumes about the popular culture of the day and, of course, the slowness of serious news. There is a joke going around town that Malaysia is being salvaged by a Chinese star whose extramarital affair has finally taken the heat off the airline mystery. Wen Zhang, a 30-year-old movie and television actor, rose to prominence on his public image as a man of responsibility. Barely two months after his second daughter was born, paparazzi caught him in compromising situations with Yao Di, a young actress who starred with him in a previous drama series. |