花园garden[英]['ɡɑ:dn] [美][ˈɡɑrdn] 中英文对照:英皇室新西兰之旅(4) 5岁的皮帕•斯诺曼从自家的花园里摘了一束花送给公爵夫人,1958年伊丽莎白女王访问新西兰时收到的花束同样来自这一花园。 公爵夫人问了她的名字后说道:“我妹妹也叫皮帕!”皮帕说:“她真的很漂亮。” 当9个月大的儿子将喷嚏溅到公爵夫人身上时,38岁的维姬•金感到很不好意思。 她说:“我正抱着奥尔顿,他因为感冒打了个喷嚏。公爵夫人吓了一跳——说‘哇!’但他们都笑了,我也不担心,因为即使她是皇室,但同时也是位母亲,了解有孩子的情况。对此,她十分从容。” Pippa Sowman, five, gave the Duchess a posy picked from her own garden, from which another bouquet was picked for the Queen Mother when she visited in 1958. The Duchess asked her name and said: "My sister is called Pippa too!" Pippa said: "She was really nice, really pretty." One mother had an embarrassing moment when her nine-month-old son sneezed all over the Duchess. Vicky King, 38, said: "I was holding Alton and he sneezed because he has got a bit of a cold at the moment. She got a bit of a fright – she said 'Oh!' "But they laughed, and I was OK about it, because even though she is royalty she is a mum too, and knows what it is like to have a baby. She took it all in her stride. 中英文例句 1. The blame-shifting in the garden continues today. 伊甸园中的埋怨延续至今。 2. Will you help me weed the garden? 你能帮我给花园除草吗? 3. Dr. kim made no public comments during the rose garden ceremony. 金永吉在玫瑰园仪式期间没有发表任何公开评论。 4. A servant came across the garden towards them. 一个仆人穿过花园朝他们走来。 5. When the residents of minxin garden look down their street, they see a giant building site. 民心佳园的住户往下看他们的街道时,会看到一个巨大的建筑工地。 |