鲜花flower[英]['flaʊə(r)] [美][ˈflaʊɚ] 中英文对照:英皇室新西兰之旅(3) 乔治王子由保姆玛利亚•波拉罗照顾,正在位于惠灵顿的总督府内,这也是公爵一家此次行程的住处所在。 一些祝福的民众准备了泰迪熊,几维鸟玩具和包括毛线袜在内的衣服,但大部分民众还是带来了鲜花,送给身穿Alexander McQueen蓝色外套的公爵夫人。 George was spending the day being looked after by his nanny Maria Borrallo at Government House in Wellington, the family's base during their tour. Some well-wishers gave the Duchess teddies, kiwi soft toys, and clothes including bootees, but the majority had brought flowers for the Duchess, who wore a blue Alexander McQueen coat. 中英文例句 1. Now researchers have illuminated the flower's ability to ferret out butter fans. 现在研究者阐明了花能够分辨出黄油爱好者的能力。 2. Let others be as butterflies who preen theirs yet depend on the charity of a flower for life. 就让其他人成为一只花枝招展的蝴蝶,靠花朵的施舍来自鸣得意。 3. In this post, we will show you how to make a lovely flower ring step by step. 在这个帖子里,我们会一步一步地告诉你如何做一枚可爱的花朵戒指。 4. Nasa's spitzer space telescope finds a delicate flower in the ring nebula, as shown in this image. 斯比策空间望远镜在星云环里找到一朵精致的花朵,如图所示。 5. A honeybee approaches the blossom of a poppy flower in ludwigsburg germany. 一只蜜蜂正在接近德国路德维希堡一朵盛开的罂粟花。 |