豆类Bean[英][bi:n] [美][bin] 中英文对照:豆类 豆类也算,但由于其比其他水果蔬菜含有的营养少,也只能算一份。 如果冰沙含有所有可食用浆状果肉或蔬菜,可以不止算作一份,这取决于其中的成分。 还建议食用冷冻水果、蔬菜和干果,如醋栗果、小葡萄干、海枣、无花果等。 熟食和商店中买的意大利面酱、汤和补丁中的水果蔬菜也算,但建议“偶尔吃这些东西”或食用量要少,因为这些食物通常含有较多的盐、糖和脂肪。 Beans and pulses also count, but again only as one portion as they contain fewer nutrients than other fruits and vegetables. Smoothies may count towards more than one portion if they contain all the edible pulped fruit or veg, and depending on their ingredients. Recommendations include frozen fruit and vegetables, and dried fruit, such as currants, dates, sultanas and figs. Those in ready-meals and shop-bought pasta sauces, soups and puddings are also included, but advice urges "only to have them occasionally" or in small amounts as they are often high in salt, sugar and fat. 中英文例句 1. But he went back to growing the venezuelan cacao bean, the raw ingredient for chocolate coveted in europe and the united states. 然后他仍然回去种他的委内瑞拉可可豆,这种可可豆是让欧洲和美国人垂涎三尺的巧克力的原始成分。 2. Some plant species, such as the lima bean, secrete a nectar that ants find delicious. 一些植物种类,如利马豆,分泌一种蚂蚁感到美味的花蜜。 3. According to google's own analysis, only 1.2% of these devices are running on jelly bean. 谷歌自己的分析显示,这些设备中仅有1.2%搭载的是糖豆系统。 4. Google now, a feature that is unique to jelly bean, brings instant answers in the form of visual cards. 糖豆的独特功能google now能够以视觉卡片(visual card)的形式即时给出结果。 5. The most famous italian versions are pappa al pomodoro and ribollita, which is usually made with leftover bean and vegetable soup that is reheated and blended with bread. 比如意大利最有名的“pappa al pomodoro”和“托斯卡纳汤”就是类似的做法,常常是用吃剩下的豆子和蔬菜汤,混拌一些面包,重新加热而成。 |