英国王室只有8个月大的乔治小王子随着父母7日抵达新西兰,开始了人生首次海外出访。小家伙还没正式出席活动,就已经悄悄掀起了一股时尚风,原来是他登机时带的小袋鼠背包引发了民众跟风潮。 据报道,威廉一家人日前在悉尼登机时,威廉王子被拍到手里替儿子拿着一个棕黄色的袋鼠造型的背包,母袋鼠的肚兜里还装着一只小袋鼠,整体造型十分可爱。乔治小王子的袋鼠背包很快就引发了跟风潮,没过多久,这个袋鼠背包就开始大卖。 其实乔治小王子的影响力在一周前英国王室发布威廉一家最新全家福的时候就开始显现了。照片中小王子穿着一件印有小王子英文名George的个性定制浅蓝色婴儿套衫,萌态十足。照片发布不久,印有名字的同款套头衫就接到大量订单。婴儿用品个性定制网站My1stYears.com几天后宣布浅蓝色套衫全部卖光。 Prince George of Cambridge's cuddly kangaroo backpack has sold out just hours after his father Prince William debuted the item on his arrival in Sydney on Monday. The eight-month-old's bag features the Australian animal carrying a joey and now parents have gone out of their way to order the item online at the Australian Koala Foundation website it seems. Vendors have been forced to display a 'This product is out of stock or unavailable' message to those hoping their tot will be as fashionable as Kate Middleton's little boy. Customers flocked to purchase the carrier when images emerged of the Duke and Duchess taking the tiny royal onto Wellington, New Zealand for the next leg of their journey. From using the first class portion of their Qantas plane to fly to Sydney Airport, the group then went on to the next country using New Zealand Air Force military jet. The frenzy to emulate George's style comes after he starred in a new royal family picture with the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge, plus their dog Lupo last Sunday. Personalised baby retailer My1stYears.com say they sold out of pale blue jumpers this week, which carry names across the chest in white lettering, and retail at £25 each. The site shifted more than 1200 in the four days following the publication of the photo and bosses said there were a higher number of orders for 'George' than they would usually expect from customers. Other orders included the terms 'Our Little Prince' and 'My Mummy's A Princess', plus a similar item in pink has also seen a spike in sales with personalisation requests including 'Princess Kate' and 'Prince George's Future Wife'. "Personalised baby gifts have grown tremendously in popularity over the last five years and this photo certainly gives it the Royal seal of approval," Director Daniel Price said. "The demand took us by surprise. We weren't expecting to see a shot with Prince George wearing a jumper with his name and our similar jumper sold out quickly. Luckily we were able to restock to fulfill orders, but it's since sold out again." |