芝加哥Chicago[英][ʃɪ'kɑ:gəʊ, -'kɔ:-] [美][ʃɪ'kɑ:ɡoʊˌ -'kɔ:-] 中英文故事:完美的锗误(1) 外公纳巴肯热爱生活——他玩恶作剧捉弄人时更是如此。捉弄人时,他那挪威人特有的大身板会一边笑得乱颤,一边又装出很吃惊的样子,大声叫着。然而,一个礼拜六的早晨,在芝加哥商业区,外公却觉得上帝捉弄了他一次,这回他没能笑得出来。 Grandpa Nybakken loved life—especially when he could play a trick on somebody. At those times, his large Norwegian frame shook with laughter while he feigned innocent surprise, exclaiming. But on a cold Saturday in downtown Chicago, Grandpa felt that God played a trick on him, and Grandpa wasn’t laughing. 中英文例句 1. But chicago was merely licking its wounds. 但芝加哥只不过是在卧薪尝胆。 2. And that was a longtime chicago tradition. 那是芝加哥长期以来的惯例。 3. Will chicago's energy cluster thrive? 芝加哥的能源产业群会走向繁荣吗? 4. Raquel welch was born in chicago illinois. 拉奎尔韦尔奇出生在伊利诺伊州的芝加哥市。 5. The heart beats in chicago. 他的心脏地带是芝加哥。 |