洋娃娃doll[英][dɒl] [美][dɑl] 中英文故事:如果你有一个秘密(1) 我把那个瓷脸洋娃娃从妹妹腿上抢了过来,用力扔向固定在她瘫痪腿上的金属支架。“我讨厌你,你比毒药还令我讨厌!”我尖叫着。 漂亮的娃娃散落在石阶上,却瞪眼盯着我们。埃拉喘着粗气尖声叫道:"你杀了她,你杀了她!” I snatched the little doll with porcelain face from my sister’s lap and hurled it against the metal brace she wore on her paralyzed leg. “I hate you worse than poison,” I screeched. The shattered prettiness stared up at both of us from the stone steps. Ella gasped and screamed, “You killed her... You Killed her!” 中英文例句 1. And there were five toy trucks and one beautiful little doll. 还有五个玩具卡车和一个美丽的小玩偶。 2. One of the girls spied jill's doll and immediately hugged it to her breast. 其中一个小女孩发现了吉尔的礼物洋娃娃,马上把它抱入怀中。 3. Gifts often include a doll for a little girl or a train for a little boy. 礼品中常常有送给小女孩的一个洋娃娃,或送给小男孩的一辆小火车。 4. A bear beside a doll, chris christie, new jersey's governor, met queen elizabeth at ground zero on july 6th. 就像是一只在洋娃娃旁边的熊一样,克里斯克里斯蒂,新泽西州的新州长,于7月6日在世贸中心遗址会见了伊丽莎白女皇。 5. These included the world's smallest vibrator and an inflatable president obama sex doll. 其中包括了世界上最小的振动棒和充气式的“奥巴马总统”情趣玩偶。 |