旅游tourism[英][ˈtʊərɪzəm] [美][ˈtʊrˌɪzəm] 中英文故事:掀起面纱(3) 这位男子告诉我在他十五六岁时,一次意外使他双目失明,但这并没有妨碍他独自旅游。现在他年近70,已经娴熟地掌握了不用眼睛旅游的技能。他借助其余的四个感官进行想象。 他转过身来面对着我,慢慢地伸出一只手摸着我的脸部轮廓,他的手像软体动物一样柔软。身后有个人打开了电灯,我看清了他的模样:他银发 浓密,面容嶙峋、刚毅,眼球浑浊而又深陷。“用餐时我能坐在你身边吗?”他问道,“如果可以,我非常想听你给我描述一点你所看到的东西。” “我很愿意这样做。"我答道。 The man told me he had lost his sight in an accident when he was a teenager. But this did not prevent him from traveling alone. Now in his late 60s, he had mastered the skill of sightless tourism, using his remaining four senses to create pictures in his mind. Turning to face me, he slowly extended a hand, which, like a soft animal, explored the contours of my face. Behind me someone switched on a light, and I could see his luxuriant very hair and strong, craggy face. His eyes lay misted. “Could I please sit beside you at the dinner?” he asked. “And I’d love it if you’d describe a little of what you see. ” “I’d be happy to.”I replied. 中英文例句 1. Tourism officials are less sanguine. 旅游部门就没有那么乐观了。 2. Mission number five is space tourism. 第五类任务是太空旅游。 3. The tourism campaign has begun at home. 旅游发展计划已率先在国内实施。 4. Tourism plummeted along the gulf of mexico. 墨西哥湾的旅游业立马一落千丈。 5. Yet the tourism barons were fairly chipper. 然而旅游观光业界的大亨们却还算悠然自得。 |