从前,有个神像雕刻师,雕好了一个女神像,准备送往城里的一个圣堂内。他把女神雕像放在一只驴背上,让驴驮运。然后,这只驴就跟着一列驮驴队伍,浩浩荡荡地朝向圣堂的路走去。 在众多头驴中,雕刻师特别关注驮运神像的驴,总小心翼翼地为他开路,深怕他撞到东西似的。这只驴因而感到荣幸,认为主人很看重他。 他们进到城里时,城里的人见到女神雕像,都很虔诚地鞠躬。 驴因而洋洋得意地说:“看,我崇高的形象受到人们的尊敬呢! ” 然后,他兴奋地叫起来,作为一种呼应。城里的人一阵哗然,很不高兴。 主人马上知道驴心里所想,便用鞭子抽打他的头,说:“笨东西,你别会错意,现在还没有到人向驴子敬礼的地步哩! ” 故事哲理 为人处世要有“自知之明”。对待别人的恭敬行为更须进行理性的反思,切莫因会错意而使自己陷入尴尬的窘境。 The Donkey and the Sacred Statue Once upon a time, a sculptor made a sacred statue. He put the statue on the back of a donkey. The donkey then followed a procession to the temple. Along the way, the sculptor took good care of the donkey that carried the statue. When the procession reached the town, the people of the town bowed respectfully to the statue. The donkey that was carrying the statue thought that the people were bowing to him. “Oh, I am well respected!” thought the donkey. “That is why they are bowing respectfully to me.” He felt very proud. He began to bray to show how happy he was. When the town people heard the braying of the donkey, they said, “How can a donkey that carries the sacred statue behave so badly?,, The sculptor knew what the donkey was thinking. He felt embarrassed and shouted angrily at the donkey. “They were bowing respectfully to the statue, not to you!” said the sculptor. Do not expect respect where it is not due. |