有一天,野狼和大熊为了一些争执而搏斗起来。结果野狼受了重伤,不能起身走路。野狼躺在地上,等候救兵的到来。 这时,一只绵羊经过,发现了野狼。野狼苦苦哀求说:“善良可爱的绵羊姑娘,你看我这副可怜相,这都是野蛮的大熊把我打成这样的。你做做好心,给我 取点水和食物来,否则我就快饿死了。求求你……” 本来,绵羊很想帮野狼一个忙的,可是当她听到野狼说‘食物’时,又想起他平日的恶行,心里很害怕。绵羊颤抖地说:“食物?你指的是我吗?不行!我……我不能帮你! ”绵羊说完便逃得远远的! 此后,不管谁经过,听到野狼的求救声,都不敢给予帮助。这只作恶多端的野狼又渴又饿,最后,倒在地上死了。 故事哲理: 一个人如果平时作恶多端,一旦落难,就不会有人愿意帮助他。因为他的恶行,使自己成为别人永远无法信任的敌人。 The Wolf That Needed Help One day,a wolf was hurt while fighting with a bear. He could not walk because he was badly hurt. The wolf sat down under a tree, waiting for some-one to come along and help him. Soon a sheep came by. The wolf begged the sheep, “Oh,my kind-hearted friend! Look at me. I am badly hurt because a fierce bear attacked me. Please bring me some food and water, or I will die. Please help...” At first the sheep wanted to help the wolf. Then she remembered how wicked the wolf was and became scared. The sheep thought, “Food! I am his food. I can’t let that happen. I don’t want to help him!” So the sheep ran away as fast as she could. No one wanted to help the wolf. In the end the wolf died of hunger and thirst. Do not expect help from people to whom you are a threat. |