大清早,一只火鸡正在找食物,不知不觉来到一个牧羊人的畜牧场里。 牧羊人见到这只肥美的火鸡,一声不响地从后面把他捉住,很高兴地说:“今天运气真好,一早就有肥美的火鸡送上门来。让我将他卖给鸡商,一定可赚不少钱。”火鸡听了,心里又急又气。 牧羊人把他放在一个网里,准备拿到集市去卖。火鸡拼命挣扎,不停发出哀叫声。他的哀叫声引起一只绵羊的注意。绵羊很奇怪,紧紧跟在火鸡后面,说:“你为什么不停地发出哀叫声?牧羊人又没有对你怎样,他没伤害你嘛!”绵羊继续说,“我也经常被牧羊人捉着,但我不像你这般叫闹!” 火鸡一边挣扎,一边说道:“牧羊人只要你们身上的毛,你们当然不怕啦!可是他把我卖给鸡商,我的肉就成为人们的食物了。呜呜呜……” 这时绵羊恍然大悟,他很同情火鸡的处境,却又爱莫能助。 故事哲理: 每个人的立场以及所处环境不同,所以我们应该经常设身处地为别人着想;对别人的失意、伤痛,也应给予关怀。 The Turkey and the Sheep One day, a turkey was out looking for food. Soon she came to a sheep farm. The shepherd saw the turkey. He quietly caught her from behind. The shepherd said happily, “I am lucky today. I can sell this fat turkey at the market. Then I can get a lot of money.” When the turkey heard this, she became very worried. The shepherd put the turkey in a net. He set out to sell the turkey at the market. The turkey struggled and made a lot of noise. She tried to escape but failed. A sheep heard the noise. He started to follow the turkey and asked, “Why are you making so much noise? You are not being ill-treated. The shepherd always catches me but I just keep quiet.” While struggling, the turkey replied, “It is all right for you because the shepherd only wants your wool. I am going to be sold at the market and become food for people.” The sheep then realised that it was different for the turkey. He felt sorry for the turkey but he could not do anything about it. Something that is dangerous to one person may not be that dangerous to another. |