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时间:2014-03-28 08:49来源:http://yr.89sp.com 作者:编辑组 点击:
萨特尔是森林之神,他长得一半像人,一半像羊。 一天,他遇上一个到森林里砍柴的男子,与他结为好朋友。大部分时候,萨特尔留在森林里,男子则住在森林边的一间小屋。他们经常
男子把他的手放到嘴边哈热气。萨特尔奇怪地问:“你在做什么? ”
“我的手快冻僵了,这样吹一下后,可以使手温 暖些。”男子回答道。 .
由于汤很热,男子举起他的碗靠近嘴边吹着。萨特尔奇怪地问:“你又做什么? ”
“这样吹,可以使食物凉一点,因为太烫了! ”男子回答。
萨特尔站起身说:“我不能再跟你做朋友了!因为你这个人,用同一口气会吹热,又会吹冷!太怪异 了!”说完他便离去了。
故事哲理: .
森林之神对朋友的举动感到诧异,却不向朋友请教以求了解真相实情,就突然拂袖而去,这种行为太不可理喻了。所以这种与自己的智慧相差太远的朋友, 不交也罢。

The Man and Satyr
Satyr, half-human and half-animal, is supposed to be the god of the woods. One day, Satyr met a man who was cutting wood in the jungle. They became good friends. Most of the time, Satyr stayed in the jungle while the man lived in a hut at the edge of the woods.
One day in winter,they bumped into each other in the forest and started talking. The man cupped his hands around his mouth to warm himself. Satyr asked curiously, “What are you doing?”
“It’s so cold here, I can’t feel my hands,,,explained the man. “I can make them feel warmer by blowing at them this way.”
Satyr did not really get the point. Later, he was invited to the man’s hut.
The man saw the bright flames in the fireplace, so he decided to cook a meal. He whipped up two servings of hot soup, one for Satyr and the other for himself. They sat down together to enjoy the soup.
As the soup was too hot, the man held the bowl around his mouth and started blowing. Satyr looked puzzled and asked, “Now, what’s that for?”
“The soup is too hot,” the man replied. “I can cool it down this way!”
Satyr stood up and said, “I don’t think we can be friends any more! You’re too weird! You’re blowing hot and cold with that same breath of air. Unbelievable!” Then he left and they never met again after that.
We should try hard to understand people's "strange" behaviour behaviour before giving up on them.
