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时间:2014-03-28 08:48来源:http://yr.89sp.com 作者:编辑组 点击:
一天中午,当所有动物正在玩耍作乐时,忽然听到狮子的脚步声,众动物纷纷让路给他过。 哗!狮子走起路来威风十足,几只动物窃窃私语,那股气势让我们这些动物看了都不敢靠近他
“哗!狮子走起路来威风十足,”几只动物窃窃私语,“那股气势让我们这些动物看了都不敢靠近他,真不愧是兽中之王啊! ”
一只少不更事的驴有点不服,心想:“狮子仗着自己力大无穷,个个就要怕他。哼!我才不怕呢! ” 于是,等狮子一走过,驴便向狮子做几个鬼脸。旁边的动物们看到驴的这番举动,都吓得直冒冷汗。

The Donkey and the Lion
One evening the animals were playing happily in the jungle. Suddenly, they heard the footsteps of a lion. They made way for the lion at once.
“Oh,how handsome and strong the lion is!” said the animals, full of praise for him. “Look at the way he walks! He is truly the King of the jungle!,,
The donkey did not like the other animals praising the lion. He wanted to show the other animals that he was not scared of the lion.
As soon as the lion had passed by, the donkey started making fun of him. His actions showed no respect for him.
The other animals were shocked at what the don-key was doing. They thought, ‘This donkey is really stupid to make fun of the lion.”
When the lion found out what the donkey was doing, he was very angry. He turned to the donkey. Then he bared his teeth and glared at the donkey.
The donkey trembled when he saw the lion glaring at him. He knew that his life was in danger. So he quickly knelt down and begged for mercy.
When the lion saw how frightened the donkey was, he forgave the donkey and walked away. He had better things to do than to stay angry at a stupid donkey.
There are many important things that we can do. Why should we waste time over people who have no respect for us?
