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时间:2014-03-27 09:29来源:http://yr.89sp.com 作者:编辑组 点击:
在一个美丽的小屋子里,住着一个爱干净的寡妇,同时有两个小丫头服侍她。寡妇教导两个丫头如何准备三餐,如何把家里打理得干净整洁。她还教她们缝衣服。 每天早上,当公鸡叫起
“起床!起床! ”她叫道,“没听到屋外的公鸡在叫吗?太阳就要照遍大地了,没人可以留在床上片刻。”
寡妇对丫头说:“这公鸡是个好家伙。每天要给它多吃些。要不是它,我们就睡过头了。没有别的动物可以取代它的职责了! ”
晚上睡觉之前,两个丫头很高兴,总算除掉心头之恨了。其中一个丫头说:“现在,我们可以获得安静了。公鸡不叫,女主人迟迟不起,我们就可睡得更久。太好了! ”然后,她们进人甜美的梦乡了。
可是到了半夜,寡妇戴着睡帽,手持蜡烛进入她 们的房里,叫道:“起床!起床!现在虽然没有公鸡叫我们起床,我们还是不可睡过头的!虽然黎明还没来,但它将要来到呀!如今没有了公鸡,等黎明来时,就没人叫醒我们了!起床!起床!快快跟我到厨房来! ”

The Widow and Her Little Maids
Once, there was a widow living in a small house with two little maids. She taught her maids to cook, sew, and keep the house spick and span.
Every morning when the rooster started to crow, the widow rose immediately, went to her maids’ room and woke them up.
“Get up!” she shouted. “Don’t you hear the rooster? The sun is going to rise. Nobody should sleep any longer!”
The maids liked to laze in bed, and did not like their nagging employer.
The first chore in the morning was to feed the rooster who crowed at dawn. One maid scattered oats on the floor and the rooster ate to his heart’s content while the widow looked on. The more the rooster ate, the happier she was.
The widow praised the rooster, “This rooster is superb. Remember to feed him more oats. We would have overslept without him. Nobody could ever take over his job!”
The maids looked at each other. How they hated that rooster! He woke them up from their sweet dreams every time at daybreak.
One day, the rooster suddenly crowed earlier than usual. The maids decided to finish him off! They caught the rooster and broke his neck while the widow was away at the market. Then they buried the dead rooster outside the fence.
When the widow returned, she found that her rooster was missing. She searched high and low while both the maids were busy doing their chores, pretending to know nothing about it.
At night, one of the maids said, “Now that the rooster is gone, the lady boss won’t be up so early and we can sleep longer.” They retired happily to bed.
At the stroke of midnight, the widow suddenly burst into their room, holding a candle in her hand. She shouted, “Get up! Get up! The rooster may have gone, but we still can’t afford to oversleep! It isn’t daybreak yet but the dawn will come very soon! We have no rooster to wake us up in the morning, so we have to rise earlier! Come on! Follow me to the kitchen!” Never did the maids imagine that they would have to rise even earlier without the rooster! From then onwards, the widow would wake them up with a candle in her hand every midnight. The maids sorely regretted having killed the rooster!
Playing trices may land you in greater trouble.
