从前,有个和母亲相依为命的孩子。 有一天,孩子慌慌张张地从学校跑回来。母亲看到他这副样子,就问他出了什么事。 孩子吞吞吐吐地说:“妈妈,今天我看到同学的写字板很漂亮,就……就趁他不注意的时候,把写字板偸了回来。我知道这样做不好,可是……” 母亲打断了他的话,说:“谁说这样做不好?反 正他又没看见。现在,这写字板就是你的了。” “真的吗?妈妈您不怪我? ”孩子抬起头问。 “当然是真的,我怎么会怪你呢?妈妈拥有你这么聪明的孩子觉得骄傲呢!午餐准备好了,快去吃吧! ” 孩子这才放心地走开了。 过了几天,孩子又带回来一件外衣,递给母亲。母亲拿起来一试:“哈,不大不小正合我身。”她转头问孩子:“这外衣哪儿得来的? ” “有户人家在晒衣服,”孩子满不在乎地说,“我看这件不错,就顺手拿回来了。” “好,你真能干,下次有机会,多拿几件回来。” 母亲抱起孩子,亲了他一下。 时间过得真快,孩子渐渐长大了。在母亲的怂恿下,他养成了偷盗的习惯,到处干坏事,成了小偷。 小偷的胆子越来越大,这次,他在造案时当场被抓住。他的罪行太大了,法官判他死刑。 小偷被押到刑场,他的母亲知道了,跟在后面捶胸痛哭。 临死之前,小偷要求让他和母亲说几句悄悄话。母亲走上前把耳朵凑过去,想听听他有什么话说,小偷张开嘴,一口把她的耳朵咬了下来! 母亲疼得叫了起来,骂他不孝,犯了罪,临死前还要咬掉母亲的耳朵。 小偷冷冷地回答说:“当初我偷写字板时,你如果像现在这样痛责我,我会落到今天这个地步吗? ” 故事哲理: 这則寓言值得所有为人父母者牢记心中——勿鼓励孩子小小的恶行,因为这会撐大他的胃口,到最后只会害了他! The Thief and His Mother One day, a boy ran hurriedly home after school. His mother noticed his strange behaviour and asked him what happened. The boy stammered, “Mother, this morning my classmate showed me his beautiful writing board. I... I took it without his knowledge. I know this is not right, but …” The mother cut in, “Who said so? After all, he never noticed, did he? Now, this writing board is yours.” “Really?” the boy asked, surprised. “You don’t blame me at all?” “Don’t be silly. I won’t ever blame you. I,m proud of you,smart boy! Lunch is served, go and eat!” A. couple of days later, the boy brought back a coat and gave it to his mother. The mother tried it on and said,“Hmmm... this coat suits me well.” She turned around and asked, “Where did you get this?” “I saw someone hanging their clothes out in the sun,” said the boy unashamedly. “I like this one, so I just took it for you. ” “Well done, get me some more next time.” His mother gave him a loving hug. Time passed and the boy grew up to be a thief. He was up to all kinds of robbery at the instigation of his mother. The thief became bolder than ever. One day, he sneaked into a bank and was caught red-handed. As he had committed a serious crime, he was sentenced to death. "The thief was escorted to the execution grounds. His mother followed him, crying her heart out. Before the execution, the thief requested to have his last words with his mother in private. The woman moved closer to her son to listen attentively. The thief suddenly opened his mouth and bit his mother's ear off! The mother yelled in pain and scolded her son for being unfilial at that very last moment of his life. And the thief answered scornfully, “If you had scolded me like this when I first stole the writing board, would I have ended up like this?” Parents should neither overindulge their children nor encourage their wickedness. |