从前,有一个老妇人,她很富有,拥有一幢很大的房子,里面还有许多名贵的摆设。 可是很不幸,老妇人突然得了眼病,看什么东西都是模模糊糊的。于是她请了一位医生来治病,并且答应治好眼病后,付给医生一大笔酬金。 医生每天都来给老妇人上药。他看到房子里的摆设非常漂亮,就问老妇人:“这些东西都很值钱吗? ” 老妇人回答说:“那当然啦,每一件都是价值连城的宝贝啊! ” 医生听到这里,起了坏心,趁老妇人上药后闭着眼睛的时候偷走了一件东西。 就这样,医生每次给老妇人上完药,都要偷走老妇人家里的一件东西。等到老妇人的眼病治好了,她家里的东西也差不多被偷光了。 医生不知羞耻,还来向老妇人索取报酬,老妇人却不肯付了。于是医生把老妇人带到法官那里去评理。 医生说:“这老妇人违约,说好我治好她的眼病,她便付钱。可是今天,她眼病好了,却一分钱都不肯付。” 老妇人对法官说:“我的确答应过付给他酬金。 可是经过治疗,我的眼睛比以前更差了,以前我还能看见家里的东西,现在却什么也看不见了。” 法官觉得很奇怪,便私下去了解情况。当他知道了实情后,判决说:“医生必须把从老妇人家偷走的所有的东西还给老妇人。而且,由于医生的贪心,老妇人不必付给他酬金了。” 医生什么都没得到,灰溜溜地离开了。 故事哲理: 有些自以为聪明的人总喜欢占老实人的便宜,但老实人并不一定是笨人,一个人只要心不盲,他是什么都知道的。 The Old Lady and the Doctor Once upon a time, a rich old lady lived in a huge house with plenty of expensive ornaments. Unfortunately, the old lady contracted an eye disease all of a sudden and suffered from blurred vision. So she hired a doctor to make house calls and promised to pay him an enormous sum once she recovered from her condition. The doctor came daily and noticed the beautiful decorations in her house. He asked, “Are these things valuable?” The old lady said, “Of course, each of them costs afortune!” From that day onwards, whenever the old lady closed her eyes during the treatment, he stole an item from her house. He soon got used to stealing something each time he attended to her. When the old lady5 s eyes were fully recovered, there was barely anything left in her house. When the shameless doctor called again to claim his medical fees, the old lady refused to pay. So the doctor brought her to the court for trial. The doctor said, “This old lady promised to pay me once I have cured her condition. Now that her eyes are all right, she refuses to pay me my fee.” The old lady argued, “Yes, I did promise him a big sum of money, but after the treatment, I found that my eyesight had become worse. Before that, I could see everything in my house; now I can see nothing•” The judge thought that was something odd. So he decided to investigate the case in private. When he had known the truth, he passed his judgement, “The doctor must return everything he stole from the old lady’s house. And because of his insatiable greed, the old lady is not liable to pay him any medical fee.” Thus the doctor ended up the loser. Dishonesty does not pay. |