一只狗和一只公鸡是一对老朋友。 有一次,他们相约一同到森林里去散步。走着谈着,天渐渐暗了。他们就在森林里找个地方过夜。 公鸡就睡在树枝上,狗则睡在树下的洞里。 当天快亮时,公鸡和平时一样,高声地啼了几次。 一只狐狸听到公鸡的啼叫声,连忙走过来,想把他抓来当早餐。 狐狸看见了公鸡,但公鸡站在高处,狐狸无法抓到他。他想到一个骗公鸡下来的办法。他说:“我以为是谁发出这般洪亮的声音,原来是你呀,公鸡大哥。我一直很想找个声音洪亮的朋友,不知你是否愿意跟我交个朋友呢? ” 公鸡对他的意图很是怀疑,便说:“狐狸先生,我很愿意和你做朋友,请到树下的洞里,叫醒我的门房,他会开门请你进来的。” 那只狐狸走到树下的洞口,叫道:“开门!开 门! ” 在洞里睡得正甜的狗被他这么一吵,跳出来狂吠,把狐狸吓得逃跑了。 过后,公鸡和狗一同上路,吃早餐去了。 故事哲理: 交友之道贵在以诚相待,守望相助择友更须小心谨慎,切勿被甜言蜜语所迷惑,以致让坏人的阴谋得逞 The Dog and the Rooster A dog and a rooster were old friends. One day, they took a stroll in the jungle. While they were chatting, the sky became dark. So they decided to spend the night there. The rooster slept on the branch of a tree, while the dog sheltered in a hole under the tree. At daybreak, the rooster crowed several times as usual. A fox heard the crowing and rushed forward to catch the rooster. The fox looked helplessly at the rooster who was standing high up on the tree. He tried to coax the rooster to get down by saying, “What a loud and lovely, clear voice you have, brother rooster. I’ve always admired those with such vocal talent. Would you mind meeting me down here?” Suspicious of the fox’s motive, the rooster said, “Dear Mr Fox, I would love to make friends with you. But please wake the doorman at the hole under the tree. He will open the door for you.” The fox went to the hole and shouted, “Open the door! Open the door!” The dog, woken up from his sleep so rudely, started to bark loudly. The fox quickly took to his heels. Later, the rooster and the dog went to have their breakfast together. Adopt sensible measures to ward off danger. |