有一天,一只狮子和一个人一同去旅行,他们渡过河,再穿过树林。一路上,双方不停各自夸耀自己的力量和勇武。 当他们争论得激烈的时候,正好经过一座雕像,这是一只狮子被勇士勒死的雕像。 人指着雕像说:“看呀!这雕像证明我们人多勇猛啊!我们可以制服百兽之王呢! ” 狮子上前看看,然后回答道:“当然啦!因为这个雕像是你们人雕刻的。如果由我们狮子雕刻的话, 你看到的将会是人被狮子踩在脚爪底下的雕像。” 哲理: 这則寓言说明了任何思考都是以“自我”为中心,人以为自己是万物之主,狮子则以为自己胜过人类,因此产生误解,进而引起冲突以致爆发没完没了的纷争。 如果人能了解獅子有百兽不能及的勇猛;獅子也能了解 人有万物不能及的智慧,那么就不会产生误解了。 The Man and the Lion One day, a lion went travelling together with a man. They crossed the rivers and passed through jungles, each of them boasting about his courage and power along the journey. One day, they walked past a statue depicting a lion being strangled by a warrior. The man pointed at it and said, “Look! This statue shows how brave human beings are! We can even conquer the king of animals!” The lion had a closer look and commented, “Sure enough! This statue is made by a human. If only my fellow lions were good at carving, we would come out with a statue showing a man dying right under our claws.” Our ego usually makes us think that we are better than others. |