蜜蜂bee[英][bi:] [美][bi] 中英文小故事:无辜的养蜂家 从前,有个养蜂家,拥有不少的蜂巢。养蜂是为了获得蜂蜜,但心地善良的他,从不把蜂里的蜂蜜取完,总是留一些给蜜蜂吃。 一天,有个小偷潜入养蜂家的农场。养蜂家在田里工作,蜜蜂则在花丛里忙着采花蜜和花粉,留下年老的蜂后和幼小的蜜蜂在蜂巢里。 这时,卑鄙的小偷打破所有蜂巢,取去所有的蜂蜜,然后逃走了。结果,可怜的蜂后和幼的蜜蜂还留在破烂的蜂巢里,没有蜂蜜可吃。 当养蜂家回来像往常般去视察蜂巢时,他吓了一跳!所有的蜂巢破烂了,被遗弃在地上。稀烂的蜂巢散落满地,里面根本找不到蜂蜜了。 “唉!我可怜的蜜蜂!”养蜂家悲叹道,“是谁向你们下此毒手?蜂后怎样啦?她没有房子住,又没蜂蜜吃。唉,真可怜!在蜂群还未回来之前,我必须先将这些破烂的蜂巢修补好。” 于是,他开始修补蜂巢,把散落的碎片重新整理及将它们合并起来。 不久,空中传来阵阵嗡嗡声,由远而近,一群蜜蜂飞回来了。当它们见到破烂的蜂巢散落一地,以及坐在一旁的养蜂家时,感到非常生气,以为是养蜂家破坏了它们的家园。 它们即刻团结起来进攻养蜂家。嗡!嗡嗡!嗡嗡嗡嗡嗡!蜂群围绕着无辜的养蜂家叮个不休。可怜养蜂家无法摆脱蜂群的围攻和纠缠,不停地哭喊着:“不!你们不可叮我!我是来帮你们的,我是你们的主人!你们要叮就应该去叮那个破坏蜂巢和盗去所有蜂蜜的坏蛋啊!” 后来,经过蜂后的解释,蜂群才明白真相,然而一切都太晚了,养蜂家就这样被叮死了! 故事哲理: 在还没了解事情的真相之前,不要胡乱诬赖别人,以免铸成无法弥补的大错。 The Bee-keeper and the Bees There was once a -keeper who had several beehives. The bee-keeper kept the bees to get honey. He was a good bee-keeper who never took all the honey from the hives. He always left some behind for his bees. One day, however, a thief broke into the bee- keeper’s farm. At that time the farmer was away working in his fields, and the bees were busy looking for nectar and pollen among the flowers to make honey. Only the old queen bee and the little bee larvae were left behind in the hives, all too weak to fight with the thief. The nasty thief broke open all the hives and took away all the honey he could find. Then he left as fast as he could. When the bee-keeper returned to check on his hives, what a shock he had! The hives were all lying broken on the ground. There were pieces of broken honeycomb all over, with hardly any honey in them. “Oh, my poor bees!” he cried. “Who has done such a nasty thing to their hives? I must try and repair their hives at once, before they come back.” And so the beekeeper set out to repair the hives. He picked up the broken pieces and started putting them together again. Just then there was a buzzing sound in the air. A swarm of bees was returning to their hives. They saw the broken hives and pieces of honeycomb lying on the ground and nearby was the bee-keeper. The bees at once thought that the bee-keeper had destroyed their homes. They began to attack the poor bee-keeper. BUZZ! BUZZZ! BUZZZZZZZ! The bees swarmed all around the innocent bee-keeper and stung him over and over again. The poor bee-keeper did not have a chance to explain what had really happened. Later, when they heard the true story from the queen bee, it was too late. The kind bee-keeper had been Things are nor always what they seem. 中英文例句 1. Try: john paul mitchell gloss drops and john barrett bee hold. 试一试:约翰保罗米切尔光彩露和约翰巴雷特蜜蜂产品。 2. Thanks for watching video how to treat a bee sting with lemon. 感谢收看“怎样用柠檬处理蜜蜂蜇伤”视频节目。 3. Amateur naturalists begin their bee hunts by noting the time of day and location they are photographing. 业余自然生物学家开始寻蜂作业时,要记下来他们拍摄照片的日期、时间和地点。 4. When the bee stings, simply remembering your favorite things doesn't help. 被蜜蜂蛰了,只想着自己喜欢的事情是没有帮助的。 5. The same bee thus serves two different species and keeps the pollen separate. 这个蜜蜂就这样为这两种兰花传粉,并保持各自花粉的独立性。 |