葡萄grape[英][ɡreɪp] [美][ɡrep] 中英文小故事:葡萄是酸的 一个阳光和煦的早晨,有只狐狸沿着一条小径走,附近便是农庄。狐狸一边走,一边向四周张望,希望能猎到鸟儿或兔子作为早餐。 狐狸也不时提防农夫的袭击。由于他经常偷捉农夫的鸡只来吃,所以村庄里的农夫都不喜欢他,也从不放过捕捉他的机会。 狐狸经过一个葡萄园。满园的葡萄树藤攀缘木架而上,高高地在木架上盘绕茁长。茂密且青葱的葡萄树,悬挂着一大串一大串的葡萄,看起来是那么水灵和美味。 由于在太阳底下走了一段路,令狐狸感到非常口渴,看到这些葡萄更令他垂涎。狐狸心想,这些葡萄一定很甜,不但美味,还可解渴。 “在农夫还没到来之前,我一定要采些葡萄吃。”狐狸想。 于是,他走到最靠近的葡萄树,用后肢支撑身体站立起来。然后,他尝试利用牙齿去釆摘最低的一串葡萄。可是,他碰不到那串葡萄。 狐狸向后退了几步,然后冲向前一跃,他张戈的嘴巴几乎可咬到葡萄串,可是最终却扑了个空! 狐狸并不放弃,他再次向后退,又再冲前几步一跃……同样的动作尝试了数十次,仍然没办法摘下葡萄。 最后,狐狸疲累不堪,汗如雨下,失望不已。终于,他放弃了! “我不要吃这些葡萄了,它们都是酸的!”狐狸自言自语地走开了。 故事哲理: 吃不到葡萄说葡萄酸,这种自我安慰不失为健康的心态, 至少可把那种失落感排遣掉。 The Fox and the Grapes One warm sunny morning, a fox was trotting along happily. He kept an eye out for a bird or a rabbit to catch for his lunch. Now and then he would sniff the air for signs of danger. He did not want to get caught by the farmers who hated him for always stealing their chickens. The fox soon passed a vineyard. The thick stems of the grape vines curled round the strong wooden frames and stood tall in the field. From these thick, strong vines, hung huge bunches of purple grapes which looked plump and juicy. The walk in the sun had made the fox quite thirsty and he looked longingly at the grapes. “I must eat some of those grapes before the farmer comes,” he thought. He walked up to the nearest vine and stood up on his hind legs. He then tried to pluck the lowest bunch of grapes with his teeth. However, the bunch was too high and he could not reach it. He then ran back a few steps and leaped up towards the bunch, opening his mouth wide and trying to snap at them with his mouth teeth. He missed! The fox did not give up easily For a long time, he kept running and leaping at the bunch of grapes. But no matter how hard he tried, he could not reach the grapes. In the end, feeling tired and irritated, the fox gave up. As he walked away, he muttered, “I don’t really need them at all. They are probably sour grapes anyway.” When we cannot get what we want, we sometimes pretend that we don't really need them. 中英文例句 1. For european growers, the variety of grape is important, of course. 对于欧洲的葡萄栽培者来说,葡萄的品种无疑是非常重要的。 2. Tea, black grape juice and some red wines also give us health-boosting flavonoids. 茶,黑葡萄汁和一些红葡萄酒也能带给我们促进健康的类黄酮。 3. Mix 4 parts apple juice, 1 part goji juice, and one part cherry or grape juice. 加入四份苹果汁、一份枸杞子汁、一份樱桃或葡萄汁。 4. This lowers the acidity of the grape juice and adds a 'soapy' texture. 这就降低了葡萄汁的酸度,还增加了一种爽滑的口感。 5. Shi treated the leukemia cells with a commercially available grape seed extract in different doses. 石祥林利用通过商业渠道可以买到的一种葡萄籽提取物,使用不同的剂量来对付白血病细胞。 |