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时间:2014-03-23 23:36来源:http://yr.89sp.com 作者:编辑组 点击:
从前,大草原上住着一对老夫妇。他们在一个破旧的牛革帐篷里住了四十年。老太婆撕毛捻线,老头儿出去打猎。一天,老头儿打到一只野鸡,竟是只金母鸡。 老头儿把金鸡带回家,老

The Old Women and the Gold Hen
Long ago there lived in the Great Plain an old man and his wife. They had lived in a worn old cow leather tent for forty years. The old woman tore the wool and twisted it into thread,while the old man went hunting. One day,the old man got a pheasant,but it turned out to be a gold hen.
The old man took the gold hen home. The old woman was very happy ; she kept it and fed it. The gold hen laid one gold egg a day. The old woman sold the gold eggs and built a mansion and bought silks and satins and pearls and agates and different kinds of precious wool and leather. Also ,she bought thousands of sheep and hired some shepherds to look after them.
The old woman had so much wealth that she became sleepless. She thought day and night, “Gold hen lays only one egg a day. It would be better if it laid two a day. ” To her happy surprise, the gold hen laid two gold eggs the next day as she had wished.
The old woman said again, “It lays only two a day. It would be better if it laid three a day. ” The third day,it laid three gold eggs. Soon, the old woman accumulated a leather box of gold eggs. But she was all the more sleep- less and still thought day and night,“Well,the gold hen must have countless gold eggs in her belly. ” Then she killed the gold hen. But she found no gold eggs,nor even ordinary eggs. Now that she had killed the gold hen,she decided to sell it. Thus thinking,the gold hen suddenly disappeared 9 and she hurried to the gold eggs in the leather box. Opening the box, she found it filled with sheep dung; and she hurried to open the other box with silk and satins, and pearls and agates and precious wool and leather, only to find it filled with pheasant droppings; she hurried to see the sheep in the pen, and it turned out to be full of wild grass; looking up at the mansion, it turned out to be the old worn cow leather tent.
