徒弟pupil[英][ˈpju:pl] [美][ˈpjupəl] 中英文小故事:骄傲的徒弟 从前有一个摔跤大师,精通360种摔跤绝技,没有人能贏他。 他最得意的徒弟学了所有的这些绝技后,打败过很多对手。令人吃惊的是这个徒弟在国王面前夸起海口来:“摔跤大师是我的长辈,也教过我,但是我的摔跤技术和他一样高超,因为我也掌握了360个绝技。” 国王听了他的话,就命令师徒二人进行一场摔跤比赛。国王邀请了很多知名人士到场观看。 比赛刚一开始,徒弟就向师傅猛扑过去,看那阵势好像他能轻而易举地提起大山一起扔出去似的。正当徒弟得意洋洋的时候,师傅轻轻一闪,迅速地一把抓住徒弟的腰把他举起,摔在地上。观众掌声雷动。 国王一面吩咐厚赏老师,一面斥责徒弟:“你的本领还没有学到家,怎么敢在我面前夸口!” 徒弟窘态十足,竭力辩解道:“师傅没有把他的绝技全部教给我,所以我败在他手下了。” 这时,师傅温和地笑了笑说:“我的360个绝技你已经全部学完了。可惜你还没有学会怎样灵活地运用它。学了绝技并不等于掌握了绝技。” The Proud Pupil Once upon a time,there was a wrestling expert who mastered the 360 unique wrestling skills, and nobody could defeat him. When his favorite pupil learned all the unique skills, he defeated many wrestlers. To everybody's surprise, the pupil bragged before the king,“The expert is my senior and was once my teacher. But my wrestling skills equal his,for I also learned the 360 unique ones. ” Hearing his words,the king commanded the teacher and the pupil to put on a wrestling match. The king invited many of the country’s noted people to attend the match. As soon as the match began, the pupil threw himself wildly at the teacher,as if he could easily lift and cast away a mountain. The pupil was just being pleased with himself when the teacher lightly dodged and swiftly lifted him up by the waist and threw him on the ground. The audience gave the teacher thunderous applause. The king ordered handsome reward to be given to the teacher on the one hand,and on the other rebuked the pupil,You haven’t yet mastered your skill. How dare you brag before me!” The pupil, extremely embarrassed, tried to defend himself, “1 was defeated by my teacher simply because he didn’t teach me all the unique skills. ” Now the teacher gently smiled and said, “You have learned all the 360 unique skills of mine. Unfortunately you did not know how to apply them to different situations. Knowing them is far from mastering them. ” 中英文例句 1. Each pupil gets an individual online tutor. 每名学生都得到一名独立的在线导师。 2. Any pupil who cannot keep up has to repeat the year. 任何一个不能跟上进度的学生都需要留级。 3. I was the pupil in one such relationship 40 years ago. 40年前我是一名和老师发生那种关系的学生。 4. A small number of adults and children with cataracts may benefit for a short time from eyedrops that widen ( dilate) the pupil. 散大瞳孔的眼药水可能会使一小部分患有白内障的成人和儿童的症状得到短期的缓解。 5. Pupil performance lags the rest of new jersey by over 20 points. 学生的成绩落后于新泽西州其它地区超过20个百分点。 |