小家伙little twerp 中英文小故事:小家伙 汤姆说:“嗨.米奇,把那些弯的递给我一块。” 米奇问:“干什么用的?” 汤姆指着轨道说:“那是轨道拐弯处的一段。”米奇把那块弯轨递给汤姆,说:“真酷!” 艾凡说:“太麻烦了,我们都做了好几个小时了,什么时候能做完啊?” 汤姆低声说:“如果你不抱怨,过来帮我们做的话,我们早就做完了。” 艾凡说:“那米奇呢?他一点儿忙都没帮!” 汤姆说:“艾凡,米奇只有4岁,妈妈出去购物时.我们要照看他,你忘记了吗?再说,这是你的主意。” 艾凡大声说:“但是照看你的小弟弟可不是我的主意。”汤姆说:“别抱怨了,帮我把轨道搭好,然后我们就可以玩赛车了。” 过了很长时间,汤姆、艾凡和米奇把轨道搭好了。他们围着轨道凑在一起,激动地开始了第一轮试赛。 汤姆大叫各就各位 预备“开始!” 赛车一动不动。汤姆和艾凡检査了赛车,紧了紧轨道,一切正常。他们把车放回轨道上,准备开赛。 汤姆大叫:“各就各位……预备……开始!” 赛车依旧一动不动。艾凡抱怨说:“这东西怎么回事儿?” 汤姆说:“我也不知道,我看不出来有什么毛病。” 汤姆拿出说明书,一步一步地检査。 汤姆说:“岂有此理,以前从没这样过,每次都没问题。” 艾凡说:“哎,算了,做点儿别的事吧。” 汤姆站起来,说:“好吧。” 正当他们走出客厅时.突然身后传来一个奇怪的响声。米奇正绕着轨道赛车呢。 汤姆说:“嗨,你是怎么把它弄好的?” 艾凡说:“是啊,你这小家伙,你是怎么做的?” 米奇停下赛车,站起来向墙那边走去,指着墙上的插座,说:“我刚才看你俩搭轨道,但是你们忘了插电源。” 从那一刻开始,米奇成了小赛手的一员。艾凡在轨道上驾车超过米奇时说:“你真是个不错的小家伙。” Little Twerp “HEY,MIKEY,” said Tom, “pass me one of those curved pieces. ” “What’s it for?” asked Mikey. “It’s a part of the track that curves around this corner ,said Tom,pointing at the track. “Cool,” said Mikey, passing the curved piece to Tom. “This is a lot of work,” said Ivan. ‘‘We’ve been doing this for hours. When are we going to be done?” “If you’d stop complaining and help us, we would have been done a long time ago,” muttered Tom. “What about Mikey?” asked Ivan. “He hasn’t helped at all. ” “Mikey is four years old,Ivan,” replied Tom. “We re babysitting while my Mom is grocery shopping. Don’t you remember? Besides,this was your idea anyway. ” “Well it wasn’t my idea to baby—sit your little brother, announced Ivan. “Just stop complaining and help me finish building the track,”said Tom. “Then we can have lots of fun racing. ” After a long time, Tom, Ivan and Mikey finished building the track. They gathered around,excited to begin the first race. “ON YOUR MARK... GET SET... GO!” Tom yelled. The cars didn’t move. Tom and Ivan checked the cars, and tightened the track. Everything was fine. They put the cars back on the track and got ready for the race. “ON YOUR MARK…GET SET…GO!” Tom yelled. Again, the cars didn’t move. “What’s wrong with this thing?” complained Ivan. “I don’t know,said Tom. ” “Everything looks right to me. ” Tom got out the instructions and started going over each step again. “This just doesn’t make any sense,” said Tom. “It’s never done this before. It always works just fine. ” “Ah,” said Ivan. “Just forget it. Let s do something else. ” “Yeah,O. K,” said Tom, getting up off the floor. As the boys were walking out of the living room, they suddenly heard a strange sound coming from behind them. It was Mikey, racing the cars around the track. “Hey,” said Tom. ‘‘How’d you get that thing working?” “Yeah you little twerp,” said Ivan. “ How,d you do that?” Mi key stopped racing his car,got up and walked toward the wall. “I watched you guys build it,” said Mikey,pointing at the plug on the wall. “But you forgot to plug it in!” From that point forward,Mikey was one of the boys. “You're all right...” said Ivan,as he raced Mikey down the track. . for a little twerp. ” 中英文例句 1. And practically waved it in their faces, you little twerp! 还把书在他们面前晃来晃去你这小蠢蛋! 2. That malfunctioning little twerp. This is all his fault! 那个机械失灵的小混球,这全是他的错! 3. This little twerp's the one who messed up your beautiful face? 这个小家伙居然打破了你的漂亮脸蛋? 4. Elliott: they're only feet, you little twerp. He's trying to tell us something. 艾略特:脚就是脚,你个小矮子。他想跟咱们说什么。 |