本是农场上的一只小老鼠,埃尔文是城里的一只小老鼠。 本整日待在他的草铺上,太阳落山,他就出去找谷粒吃。然后高兴地回到他的小草窝。他的日子过得幸福快乐。 一天早上,本小睡了一会儿,然后给埃尔文打电话说:“到我家来玩吧。” “好呀。”埃尔文说,“我想看看农场的老鼠都干些什么。” 第二天早上,埃尔文去了农场。本看到埃尔文很高兴,他给埃尔文拾了一些谷粒吃,又给他铺了草铺.但是第二天一早,埃尔文说:“我要乘火车回城里了。我不想再吃谷粒了。本,同我一起回城里怎么样?” 本想知道住在城里是什么感觉,于是便跟着埃尔文进了城。埃尔文住在一栋大房子的阁楼上,那房子里还住着一个女人和一只宠物猫。 “那只家猫经常追你吗?”本问埃尔文。 “那只家猫不知道我住在这儿。”埃尔文说,“不能让他们看到咱们。” 本和埃尔文沿着一间大屋子的墙边,小心翼翼地走着。他们看到了好吃的东西。本捡起来要吃,埃尔文戳了戳本说:“那女人来了。” 本扔掉了东西。他们立刻跑开了,那些食物一点儿都没吃到。小睡了一会儿,本和埃尔文回到那间有食物的房间。 本又捡起来要吃,埃尔文戳了戳本说:“猫来了。” 本扔掉了吃的东西.他们跑开了,还是什么也没有吃到。 “真受不了!”本颤抖着说道,“我再也不想过这种生活了。城里的好吃的是比乡下多,但是要吃到它们你就非得躲开一个女人和一只猫。这样的日子还有什么意思。”本回到了乡下,继续过他的幸福生活。 The Farm Mouse and the City Mouse Ben was a little farm mouse. Alvin was a little city mouse. Ben stayed all day in his straw bed. When the sun went down, he went out to find little round seeds to eat. Then he went back to his straw house. Ben was happy. One morning after a nap Ben called Alvin up and said,“Come to see me. ” “I’ll be happy to come. ” said Alvin. “I’ll learn what a farm mouse does. ” The next morning Alvin went to the farm. Ben was happy to see Alvin. Ben picked round seeds for Alvin. He made Alvin a straw bed. But the next morning,Alvin said, “I am taking the train to the city. I don’t wish to eat any more seeds. Why don’t you come with me,Ben?” Ben wanted to learn what living in the city was like. He went with Alvin to the city. Alvin lived at the top of a big wide house where a woman and a pet cat lived. “Does the pet cat chase you?” Ben asked Alvin. “The pet cat does not know I live here. We can not let them see us,” said Alvin. So with much care Ben and Alvin walked along the side of a big room. They saw good things to eat. Ben Ben dropped what he was eating. They ran away at once. They did not eat any of the good things they saw. After a nap Ben and Alvin went back to the room where they saw good things to eat. Ben picked up something to eat. Just then Alvin poked Ben. “Here comes the pet cat!” said Alvin. Ben dropped what he was eating. They ran away. They did not eat any of the good things they saw. “That does it!” said Ben, shaking. “I don’t want any more of this. In the city you have more than little round seeds to eat. But you have to run away from a woman and a pet cat! Having to do that is not any fun. ” So Ben went back to the farm. Ben was happy. |