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时间:2014-03-05 19:21来源:http://yr.89sp.com 作者:编辑组 点击:
天鹅swan[英][swɒn] [美][swɑn] 中英文小故事:天鹅为什么有长长的脖子? 有一个大大的池塘,湖面上生活着鸭子和鹅。池塘呈天鹅状,因此虚荣的天鹅坚持说它应该叫做天鹅湖。 很多人认
天鹅swan[英][swɒn] [美][swɑn]



How the Swan Got a Long Neck?
There was a large pond that ducks, and swans shared. It was in the shape of a swan,so the vain swans insisted that it should be called swan lake.
Many think that there isn’t much difference between swans and ducks but there is. Swans at first didn’t have long necks but they had beautiful feathers,slender bodies, and they didn’t paddle like ducks,they gracefully swam. The ducks however at this time were ugly,and bulky and just frantically kicked their short legs to swim. The swans wouldn’t let the ducks swim with them, which angered the ducks since they too lived at that pond.
One day while the swans and ducks were arguing about which group would swim first,a flock of geese came over as they were passing by to see what all the fuss was about.
They listened and found that the swans were vain and thought that since they were prettier, and more graceful, they should use the pond first. They also found that the ducks thought that they should use it because the last time the swans refused to let them have their turn. Then a goose said (more like honked) that they should share the pond since it was rather large. The swans unsurprisingly got mad at this,so a fight broke out. The ducks were pulling at the swans’ feet,and the geese were honking and biting the swans necks,and pulled as hard as they could.
About an hour later the fight had ended. The ducks and geese stood there looking humorously at the swans. They had stretched the swans’ necks out so far that they couldn’t hold their heads up. A few hours later the swans had finally shortened their necks at least to the point where they could steadily hold them. But after that day swans, ducks and geese shared all the ponds in peace,and there were no taking turns.
But still today the swans have fairly long necks. The ducks however are no longer ugly. They too are pretty, and a little more graceful.


1. The swan unites them across the centuries, and enables carey to raise his vast questions.

2. He advocates building a society that can limit the damage of black swan events once they inevitably occur.

3. Next moment instead of leita there was a sleeping swan lying across the bed with its head under its wing.

4. To comfort her in her grief she is assigned a new project: to reconstruct a fantastical 19th-century clockwork swan.

5. People point to an iran conflict as a "black swan" that could derail mr obama's re-election chances.
