理由reason[英]['ri:zn] [美][ˈrizən] 中英文小故事:动听的理由 一位男士坐在公园里,注视着池塘里的鸭子。这时走来一位妇女,牵着一只鬈毛狮子狗。 她坐到一个长椅上,拿出一本杂志读了起来。鬈毛狮子狗就坐在他们中间。狗安静地坐了大约十分钟后,转过身来抬头看着这位男士。 “对不起,打扰一下,”狗轻声地说,“你看起来像个好人。请把我从这个凶恶的女人手里买走吧。” 男士几乎不敢相信自己的耳朵。一只狗正在低声对他说话呢,而且说的是英语! “她对我太凶了。”狗继续说,“她从来不爱抚我,也不跟我玩耍。她从不好好地喂我。她心情不好的时候经常打我,而且她还老是心情不好。” 听到狗的话,男人十分惊讶。狗接着说:“我真的是一条非常乖的狗。我还很有名气呢。我在上场斗狗比赛中获过奖章,两次在比赛中受伤。我救过三个小孩儿,其中一名被救的是溺水儿童,另一名是火中受困的儿童。”这让男士更加惊讶。 男士决定把狗从那个女士那儿买下来。如果需要的话,他情愿付一大笔钱。这只狗不久就会上电视给他赚成千上万的美元。它将成为世界上第一只会说话的狗。 他对那个女士说:“对不起,打扰一下。我很喜欢你的小狗。你能把它卖给我吗?” “当然乐意,花10美元你就可以买下它。”女士说。 “10美元!只要10美元?怎么会是这么低的价格?”男士问。 “因为它是一只非常淘气的狗,光会骗人。”女士答道。 A Good Reason A man was sitting in the park watching the ducks on the pond,when a woman came. She had a white poodle on a leash. She sat down on a bench, took out a magazine and began to read. The poodle was sitting between her and the man. After it had been sitting quietly for about ten mi- nutes,the poodle turned and looked up at the man. “Excuse me,”the dog whispered, “but you look like a kind man. Please buy me from this awful woman. ” The man could hardly believe his ears. A dog was whispering to him. In English! “She is so mean to me,”the dog continued. “She never pets me or plays with me. She doesn’t feed me properly and she often beats me when she s in a bad mood,which is most of the time. ” The man was amazed to hear the dog say all this. He was even more surprised when the dog added, “And I,m really a very good dog. I,m quite famous,too. I won a medal in the last war and was twice wounded in action. I've rescued three children—two from drowning and one from a fire. ” The man decided that he would try to buy the dog from the woman. He would pay a lot of money if necessary. The dog would soon earn tens of thousands of dollars >n television. It would be the world’s first talking dog. “Excuse me,”he said to the woman, “but I love your little dog. Will you sell him to me?” “I’ll be delighted to sell him,”the woman said. “You 'an have him for ten dollars. ” “Ten dollars!” the man:“ so little?” “Because,”the woman said,“ He is a liar. ” 中英文例句 1. The second reason is food. 第二个原因是食物。 2. It gives no convincing reason. 报告没有给出令人信服的理由。 3. Europe has reason to worry. 欧洲有理由感到担忧。 4. China has reason to worry. 中国有理由担忧这些。 5. They also hold that reason endorses acting morally. 他们也都认为理性使人道德。 |