猴子monkey[英]['mʌŋkɪ] [美][ˈmʌŋki] 中英文小故事:人类和猴子 很久以前,在一座树林里住着许多猴子。猎人们经常到那里去猎捕猴子。他们把捕获的猴子卖到市场去。 一天,有个猎人在树林里设置陷阱,捕到了不少猴子。他将这些猴子放入一个大笼子里,准备抬到市场去卖。猴子们又生气又害怕,不停地发出叫闹声。 只有一只猴子静静地不出声。 猎人特别喜爱这只不出声的猴子。“我要留下他当宠物。”猎人自言自语道。于是他将这只不叫不闹的猴了关在家里的一个大笼子里,其余的则都拿去卖了。 过了几天,猎人的一些朋友到来拜访他。当他们看到笼中的这只猴子时,也起了怜爱之心。“这真是一只乖巧的猴子啊! ”他们对猎人说。 “为什么你不将他从笼子里放出来? ”猎人的其中一个朋友说,“我相信他是不会逃跑的。” 猎人同意他的看法,于是把笼子打开让猴子出来活动活动。忽然间,猴子趁众人不察,一溜烟地跑掉了,逃入树林里去。到了树林里,其他猴子对他能从猎人手中逃脱感到诧异。他们也很想知道有关人类的故事。于是他们不停地问这只重获自由的猴子:“为什么猎人要把你释放了呢?人类所过的生活是怎样 的? ” 这只猴子边吃香蕉,边搔弄他的头,说:“那猎人把我关进一个笼子里,每天他供我食物吃。有一天,他家里来了几个朋友。他们在高谈阔论,非常吵闹。” “他们还吃了一些食物,又讲了许多古灵精怪的故事,”猴子继续说,“当他们无法再吃下去时,便将所剩的食物随地丢掉。也有一些人由于吃得太多而病倒了。” 听到这里,其他猴子显得很不耐烦了。“哎呀, 那有什么趣味呢? ”其中一只说道,“我们以为人类的故事很新鲜、很刺激。”说着,他们继续吃香蕉,继续聊别的话题。 他们坐着闲谈了好一阵子,说话的声量越来越大,也不时发出刺耳的噪音。他们还把香蕉皮丢在地 上,有些猴子搔弄着头,有些则拉扯着同伴的尾巴。 这时,那重获自由的猴子说:“我还有一些关于人类的故事,你们想听吗? ” “不,我们不想再听关于人类的故事了,”其他的猴子说,“其实猎人和他的朋友就跟我们没两样,他们做的事跟我们的也没有多大分别。人类和猴子的生 活方式其实根本就是一样的。” The Men and the Monkeys Once upon a time, there were many monkeys in a jungle. Then people began to hunt the monkeys. The hunters caught the monkeys and sold them for a lot of money. One day a hunter set traps in the jungle and caught many of them. He put them in a large cage and took them to the market. The monkeys screamed and made a lot of noise because they were scared and angry. Only one monkey remained silent. The hunter liked the quiet monkey very much. He decided to keep this monkey as a pet. He kept the quiet monkey in a big cage in his house. He sold the rest of the monkeys. A few days later, the hunter’s friends came to visit him. When they saw the monkey, they liked it very much too. “What a well-behaved monkey,” they said to the hunter. “Why don’t you let it out of the cage?” said one of the hunter’s friends. “I’m sure it won’t escape.” The hunter agreed. He opened the cage and let the monkey out. At once the monkey ran away and escaped into jungle. In the jungle the monkey met the other monkeys. These monkeys wanted to know more about the people the monkey had seen. They were also surprised that the monkey had managed to return to the jungle. “What was it like living in the hunter’s house?” they asked him. “Why did the hunter set you free?” The monkey ate a banana and scratched his head. He said, “The hunter put me in a cage. He gave me food to eat. One day some of his friends came to his house. They talked a lot and made a lot of noise. “They ate a lot of food and told funny stories. When they couldn’t eat any more, they threw away the leftover food. Some of them ate so much that they became sick.” The other monkeys soon became bored with the monkey’s tale. “Aaah…What’s so interesting about that?” said one of the monkeys. “We thought you would tell us something new about people.” They then carried on eating bananas and talked about other things. They were noisy. As they chatted with one another, they threw the banana skins onto the ground. Some of the monkeys scratched their heads while others pulled at their tails. “I have a lot more to tell you about people’ said the monkey who had been caught by the hunter. “No,we don’t want to hear any more about them,” said the other monkeys. “The hunter and his friends behave just like us. They don’t seem to be any different from us.” 中英文例句 1. The monkey's paw moved in my hand! 猴爪在我的手里动了! 2. In spanish mico means a long-tailed monkey. 在西班牙语中mico是一种长尾猴的名字。 3. 2012: Rent a monkey for a week. 2012年:租用一只猴子一个星期。 4. The monkey's paw could not do it! 但什么也没发生,猴爪并不起作用! 5. Four weeks later, another titi monkey came down with the same symptoms. 4周以后,另一个蒂蒂猴患同样的症状而病倒。 |