森林里住着一只狐狸。他时常跑到附近的村子里偷村民的鸡鸭来吃。 有一天,这只狐狸悄悄地溜进村子里来。他碰见了一只看门狗,便很礼貌地向他打个招呼:“朋友,你好吗? ” “我很好,谢谢你。”狗应道。 “你为什么坐在这儿昵? ”狐狸说,“走吧,让我们一同去找好吃的东西。” 狗听了,叹口气说:“唉,我在主人家里,饭也吃不饱,又无聊得很。好吧,我跟你走。” 狗跟着狐狸离开了家,不久,狗问狐狸:“我们该去哪儿? ” 狐狸回答说:“我带你到前面的村子里去抓些鸡鸭来吃。” 狗十分高兴,流着口水对狐狸说:“给我一只鸡吧!我有生以来从未尝过鸡肉,只啃过主人赏赐的鸡骨头。” 狐狸听了哈哈大笑,说:“你想吃多少都行,不过你得帮我捉鸡。” “好的。”狗爽快地说。 于是狐狸带着狗走到前面的村子的一个农场里。 “我们现在还不能进人农场,”狐狸说,“我们得等天黑了才摸进去,这样才不会被人发现。” “那也好。”狗说。 到了晚上,狐狸和狗偷偷地潜入农场里。狗第一次偷东西,心里非常担心被人抓个正着。 “别担心。”狐狸说,“我曾偷过他们的十多只鸡,但从来没被人抓着。” “那是以前的事。如果碰巧今晚被人发现如何是好? ”狗问。 “如果被人发现,我们就快快逃跑呀! ”狐狸说, “不过最好能抓只鸡才逃跑。” “可是我不晓得往哪里跑才好,我不熟悉这个村子的路。” “往森林里跑就行啦!唉,你真蠢,你还是跟在我后边好了。” “好吧,我就依照你的话去做。” 狐狸带着狗蹑手蹑脚来到鸡舍,狐狸打开门,低声对狗说:“跟我进来。” 狐狸和狗刚踏进鸡舍,彼此的脚就踩到了农场主事先安置好的捕兽器上,狐狸和狗痛得大叫起来,拼命挣扎。他们的叫声惊醒了睡梦中的农场主。农场主下床亮灯去鸡舍看个究竟,他看见狐狸和狗。 “哼!你自个儿来偷还不够,还带了朋友一齐来。”农场主说,“你们两个都不是好东西! ” 说完,农场主拿起一根木棍狠狠地朝狐狸和狗的身上打,一直打到他们死去为止。 过后,农场主对他的妻子说:“这只看门狗真蠢,他因为交上狐狸这种坏朋友,自己也变成了小偷。” The Dog That Had a Bad Friend Once there was a fox who lived in a jungle. He always went to look for food in a village that was not far from where he lived. One day,the fox went to a village near the jungle. There he met a dog who was guarding his master’s house. “How are you, my friend?” asked the fox. “I’m fine, thank you,” said the dog. “Why do you sit here? Let’s go and look for some food,” said the fox. The dog felt that all this while his master had not given him enough food to eat. “Where shall we go?” asked the dog. “Let,s go and eat some chickens and ducks,” answered the fox. The dog was very happy to hear the fox’s answer. His mouth began to water. He told the fox he preferred a chicken. “You can have that, but you must help me,” said the fox. “All right,replied the dog. The fox took the dog to a farm not far from there. The dog was very eager to eat the chicken. “We can’t go into the farm now,” said the fox. “We must wait until it is dark. At night the farmer won’t be able to see us.” “All right,,,said the dog. That night, the fox and the dog entered the farm. The dog was worried about being caught by the farmer. “Don’t worry. I have stolen ten chickens before and I have never been caught,” said the fox. “That was before,,,said the dog. “What will happen if the farmer sees us tonight?” “If the farmer sees us, we’ll run away quickly,” said the fox. They walked towards the chicken coop. The dog was still very scared. “How will I ran?” he asked. “I’m not used to this place.” “You just have to run into the jungle,” replied the fox. “The fanner won’t chase after you in the jungle.” “All right, I’ll do that,” said the dog. At last they reached the chicken coop. They were quite unlucky that night. The fox and the dog both fell into a trap set by the farmer. They cried out in fear. The farmer heard their cries and he woke up from his sleep. “It mast be that nasty fox,” said the farmer, getting up quickly. The farmer switched on the light and went to the chicken coop. He saw a fox and a dog in the trap. “Oh,it isn’t enough that you came to steal, but you also brought along a friend,” said the farmer. “You are both equally bad!” The farmer took a piece of wood and beat the fox and the dog. They cried out in pain. Then the farmer told his wife,“The dog became friends with the fox. Because of that he became a thief too!” |