橄榄olive[英]['ɒlɪv] [美][ˈɑlɪv] 中英文小故事:橄榄树 有一天,国王和他的随从出外去郊游。无意之中,他发现不远处有个老人正在栽种一棵橄榄树。国王感到奇怪,就驱车到那老人的跟前,问他: “老人家,这么热的天气,你怎么不歇一歇呀?像你这把年纪应该退休了,但你却还在劳动!难道你以为自己能活到这棵树开花结果的时候吗? ” “哦,国王万岁!我们这个世界有一条规矩:一人种树,别人得果。不过,我还是希望能活到这棵树开花结果的时候。”老人说。国王对他这个回答很满意,就扔给他一袋钱币。 “您看到了吗? ”老人微笑着说,“这棵树已经开始结果了! ”国王一听,乐得笑了起来,又扔给老人一袋钱币。 “哦,我的陛下,您注意到了吗?所有的树都只是一年结一次果,而我的呢?——已经结了两次果啦! ” 这一番话把国王逗得更乐了。他把第三袋钱币也扔给了老人,即刻转身对随从说:“咱们快走吧!要是我们再和这个老人泡在一起,我就要彻底破产 了! ” The Tree Once there was a king who went sightseeing with his followers. They came across an old man planting an olive tree. Curious, the King drove towards the old man and stopped right in front of him. The King asked, “Dear old man, what are you doing under the hot sun? You should have retired at your age, but you are still labouring! Do you mean to say that you think you can live until this tree bears fruit?” The old man replied, “Oh,long live my King! There is a custom in this world: one plants the tree, and others can have the fruit. However, I still hope that I can live long enough until this tree bears fruit.” The King was very pleased with his answer, and tossed a sack of money to the old man. “Did you see that?” the old man smiled happily. “This tree has started to bear fruit already!” The King was amused and tossed another sack of money to the old man. “Oh,my King my Lord, have you noticed? All trees fruit only once a year, but for me?... It bears fruit twice!” What the old man said charmed the King again. He tossed the third sack of money to the old man, and said to his followers, “Let us leave right now! If I were to stay here with this old man any longer, I will be totally broke!” 中英文例句 1. Olive oil is basic to paella. 橄榄油是海鲜饭的基本佐料。 2. He pops an olive into his mouth. 他把一粒橄榄送进嘴里。 3. Olive oil occupies a unique place in culinary history. 橄榄油在烹调史上占据着独一无二的地位。 4. Life without olive oil would be sad indeed. 生活中如果缺少了橄榄油确实让人挺郁闷。 5. The bank sniffs an opportunity for california's olive growers. 该银行察觉到这是加州橄榄种植者的良机。 |