一天,胡狼和灰狼一起在森林中散步。灰狼问胡狼:“胡狼,你的知识有多渊博? ” 唔…不多,我懂得的很少。”胡狼谦虚地说。 “看来我的知识至少比你的多三倍。”灰狼摇头晃脑地说道。 “你的知识如此丰富,值得大家尊敬。好,就请你带路吧! ” 灰狼听了洋洋得意,尾巴翘得高高的。 他俩走着,忽然传来狮子的吼声。灰狼吓得立刻放下尾巴,放慢脚步。胡狼对灰狼说:“看来我们跑不了啦,你的知识比我多,快想个法子脱身吧! ” 眼看狮子越走越近,灰狼吓得全身发抖,说:“我害怕死了,现在不是比较知识的时候了,你快想个办法吧,不然我们全完蛋啦! ” 狮子口水直流地一步步逼近。胡狼迎上去说: “狮子大王,您是天下最伟大最公平的野兽,我和灰狼为了一件事而争吵,正想找您主持公道呢! ” 狮子听了恭维话,心里一阵舒服,问道:“什么 事?快说! ” 胡狼说:“是这样的,我们今天捉到了三只肥母鸡,可怎么也分不平均,就争执了起来。” 狮子一听到有三只肥母鸡,想要把它们弄到手,就说:“我得看看那三只肥母鸡才好作裁决呀!鸡在哪儿呢? ” “鸡在我家里,我带您去看。”胡狼说。 于是狮子便随着他们一起去胡狼的家。 来到胡狼的洞前,胡狼说:“狮子大王,我们在这儿等一下,让灰狼进洞里去把肥母鸡拿出来。” 狮子点点头,于是灰狼钻进了洞里去。 等了老半天,不见灰狼出来,狮子不耐烦了。胡狼说:“狮子大王,让我进洞里去把鸡拿出来,别让灰狼自个儿把鸡吃了。” 狮子说:“快去! ” 胡狼进了洞,也不再出来了。胡狼的洞口很小, 狮子钻不进去,急得在洞外吼叫:“胡狼,快点把灰狼和母鸡全带出来!” 胡狼在洞里回答:“大王,请您自便吧,我们俩的争执解决了,不用再麻烦您了。” 狮子什么也没捞着,只好垂头丧气地走了。 The Two Wolves and the Lion One day, two wolves were taking a walk together in the jungle. One was brown in colour while the other was grey. They talked as they walked. “How much knowledge do you think you have?,the brown wolf asked his friend. “I believe that my knowledge is at least three times more than yours,” answered the grey wolf proudly. After a while, the brown wolf said to his friend, “Since you have so much knowledge, you should lead the way.” The grey wolf was pleased at his friend’s show of respect. He wagged his tail and said, “Follow me.” As they continued their walk, they suddenly heard the roar of a lion. The grey wolf was very frightened and slowed down his pace. He looked around, trying to find out from which direction the sound came. The brown wolf calmly said, “It looks like we are in danger. But since you are more knowledgeable, I am sure you can find a way to escape.” By then the grey wolf had started trembling, and regretted having claimed to know more. “This isn’t the time to argue who has more knowledge,” he pleaded. “Please think of a way to save us both.” By that time, the lion was already quite close to them, wagging his tail wildly and salivating at the mouth. The brown wolf moved steadily forward to meet the lion. He addressed the lion respectfully, “Greetings, Your Majesty. Your Majesty is definitely the strongest and cleverest of all. Actually, we both just had an argument over a certain matter. We beg Your Majesty to advise us on it.” On hearing these praises, the lion was flattered. He stood still and asked, “What is your problem?” “We had caught three chickens, Your Majesty,” said the brown wolf. “But we don’t know how to divide them between us.” “I need to see the chickens first before I solve your problem,” said the lion. “Where are the chickens now?,, “At my house, Your Majesty,” answered the brown wolf. “Please come with us and we,11 show you where we have kept them•” The wolves then led the lion to their house. The lion followed them hoping that he would be able to eat the chickens as well. When they reached the house, the brown wolf said to the lion, “Oh,king of the jungle, please wait for a moment. The grey wolf will go inside the house to fetch the chickens.” “All right,,,answered the lion. The grey wolf quickly entered the house. The lion waited patiently. When the grey wolf failed to come out of the house, the lion wanted to go after him, but the entrance was too small for him to go through. “Excuse me, Your Majesty,,,said the brown wolf apologetically, “please allow me to go in and make sure that the grey wolf does not eat up all the chickens.” “Go on,” answered the lion. The brown wolf then entered the house. “Goodbye, silly lion,” he said to himself. The lion waited an waited but none of the wolves appeared again. He roared fiercely, “Hey, you two! Bring the chickens out!” “Your Majesty, you may leave now,” said the brown wolf from inside the house. “We have already divided the chickens between us. We do not need your advice any more.” The lion knew then that he had been fooled and he angrily left the place. |