美人beauty[英]['bju:tɪ] [美][ˈbjuti] 中英文小笑话:聪明的美人 有一天,一个漂亮的女人在路上走着。不久,有一个男人发现了她,立刻被她的美貌吸引住,于是紧紧地跟在她身后。美人回过头来问他: “这位先生,你为什么紧跟着我呢? ” “我爱上了你,你真是一位绝代佳人呀! ” 美人微微一笑,说: “我的妹妹正跟在我后面朝这里走来呢!她的眼睛大而明亮,她可比我美十倍哩! ” 这个男人听了,高兴得转身就往后跑去。跑了好久,却看不到有什么美人,只看见了一个老态龙钟的 老太婆在路上慢吞吞地走着。他恶狠狠地吐了一口唾 沫,转回身去追那个年轻貌美的女人。 男人追上了美人即问:“你为什么要骗我? ” “不,是你骗我。这位先生,你若真的爱我,就不会跑去找别的女人啊! ” 这个男人羞愧难当,只得走开了。 The Clever Beauty One day, a beautiful woman was walking in the street when a man started following her. The beauty turned around and asked him, “Mister, why are you following me?” “I have fallen in love with you,” he said. “Your beauty is matchless!” The beauty smiled at him and said, “My sister is not far behind. She has big bright eyes. She is more beautiful than I!” The man promptly went the opposite way to look for her sister. However, he only found a doddering old lady on the road. He spitted and went back to the young beauty. When he had caught up with her,he asked, “Why did you cheat me?” “Actually, mister, you are the one who has cheated me. If you loved me, you would not go searching for another one!” The man felt embarrassed and walked away. 中英文例句 1. We live only to discover beauty. 我们活着就是为了发现美。 2. Whose beauty moves you to tears. 美得让你热泪充盈。 3. That's the beauty of trust. 这是信任之美所在。 4. Everyone wants to achieve beauty and health. 人人都想既美丽又健康。 5. People have various attitudes toward beauty. 人们对美有着不同的态度。 |