和“马”有关的新年祝福,看来还不少: 马年行大运 Wish you good luck in the year of horse。 祝您龙马精神 Wish you full of vigor/keep a vigorous spirit in the new year。 祝您来年马到成功 Wish you a speedy success in the new year。 祝您公司人强马壮 Wish your company boast well-equipped and well-trained staff with high morale。 事业如万马奔腾 Wish you have a career that thrives like ten thousand horses galloping。 愿青梅竹马,一生相依 Wish all the childhood sweethearts live happily together for the rest of their lives。 祝事业一马平川 Wish you have a smooth career path。 |