一个盲人被一段崎岖不平的路挡住了。这时,他遇到了一个瘸子。于是,他请瘸子帮助他脱离困境。 “我自己都步履蹒跚,怎么能帮助你呢? ”瘸子回答道,“我是个瘸子,而你看上去却非常强壮。” “我身体很棒,”瞎子说道,“我只要能看见路,就能走。” “噢,那么,我们可以相互帮忙。”瘸子说,“如果你把我背起来,我们可以一起走出困境。我就是你的眼睛,你就是我的腿。” “好主意,”瞎子说,“让我们互相帮助吧。”于是,他背起瘸子。他们平稳并充满快乐地往前走着。 取别人之长,补自己之短,互相帮助,互惠互利。 Benefit from Others,Strong Points A Blind man, being stopped in a bad piece of road, met a Lame man, and entreated him to help him out of the difficulty into which he had fallen. How can I,since I can hardly drag myself along? "replied the Lame man, I am lame, and you look very strong. “I am strong enough,”said the other,“I could go if I could see the way., “Oh,then we may help each other,”said the Lame man,“If you will take me on your shoulders,we will seek our fortunes together. I will be eyes for you,and you shall be feet for me. With ail my heart,’’ said the Blind man, “let us give each other our mutual services.” So he took his Lame companion upon his back, and they traveled on with safety and pleasure. |