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时间:2014-01-19 11:59来源:http://yr.89sp.com 作者:编辑组 点击:

The Reward of the Wicked
An eagle and a vixen became friends and decided to live near each other in the hope that closer-acquaintance would cement their friendship. The eagle flew to the top of a very tall tree and laid her eggs there, while the vixen gave birth to her cubs in a thicket underneath.
One day the vixen went off in search of food. The eagle, feeling hungry, swooped into the bushes, snatched up the cubs, and made a meal of them with her brood. The vixen came back and saw what had happened. She was less distressed by the loss of Her young children than by the difficulty of punishing the eagle. How could she,tied down to earth as she was, pursue a bird? Ail she could do was to stand far off and curse her enemy like any weak and feeble creature.
But it chanced before long that the eagle was punished for violating the sanctity of friendship. Some men were sacrificing a goat in a field, and the eagle darted down onto the altar and carried off a burning piece of offal to her nest. Just then a strong wind sprang up and fanned into a blaze the bits of dry stalk of which the nest was made. The result was that the nestlings,which were not yet fully fledged,were burnt and fell to the ground. The vixen ran to the spot and gobbled up every one of them right under the eagle’s eyes.
