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时间:2014-01-04 19:47来源:http://yr.89sp.com 作者:编辑组 点击:
很久很久以前,希腊有位名叫尤利西斯的国王。有一次,尤利西斯国王出海到很远的地方作战。十年过去了,希腊军队占领了城市,战争终于结束了。现在我终于可以回家了。 尤利西斯

Ulysses and the Bag of Winds
Long long ago, there lived a Greek king named Ulysses. One time Ulysses sailed far away across the sea to fight for his country for ten years long. At last the Greek captured the city, and the war ended. “Now I can go back to my home,” said Ulysses joyfully, as he and his men set sail for home.
Eolus, king of the winds, said, “I will help you to reach your home, Ulysses. I will put all the stormy winds in this great bag. Then they cannot harm you. Guard the bag of winds carefully. And do not let anyone untie the chain.,’ Then the west wind blew softly and sent them in safety on their way.
For nine days and nine nights Ulysses guarded the bag of winds, until at last he became very tired and sleepy. Now the men with Ulysses did not know what was in the great bag. “See how he guards it!” they said, “Surely it has gold and silver in it, for it is tied with a golden chain. We helped Ulysses in the war; why should he have all the gold and the silver?"
At last, they came in sight of their dear island. “Look, look!” cried the men, joyfully. “There are our green fields! Soon we shall see our homes. ” Then the weary Ulysses, thinking that he need not guard the bag any longer, fell fast asleep.
“Now we can see what is in the bag!” They crept up to the bag and untied the golden chain. Out flew all the stormy winds, roaring and howling! In a moment, great waves arose and drove the ship far from the land. The noise of the winds and the waves awoke Ulysses. Where were the green fields he loved so well? They were far, far away, for the ship was out on the stormy sea.
“I fear that I shall never see my home again,” Ulysses said, “But I must not give up.丨 will try again and again. Some day I may see my wife and son once more. ’,After a long time, the stormy winds drove the ship back to the island where Eolus lived. How glad Ulysses was. “Eolus can help us,” he said, “He will hold the winds again."But Eolus was angry with Ulysses and his men. “Go away!” Eolus said, “I will not help you a second time, for it is your own fault to let the stormy winds out of the bag.,’ So once more Ulysses set out upon the sea, and it was many long years before he saw his island home again.
