很久很久以前,森林里住着一个叫做智者的老人和他的儿子小狼。 智者看起来很老了,满脸皱纹。他的眼神充满智慧,满头白发。小狼长着一头黑发,他的眼神很好,能够一眼发现草堆里的牙签。他跑得像豹子一样快,能够徒手杀死一只熊。 "爸爸,我们一起住在森林里真是太幸运了。这里太美了。"小狼对父亲说。 “是啊,小狼,"智者说,"但是我不能永远在这里陪你。总有一天我会死的,那时候你要自己打猎做饭了。” "我不要离开你自己生活。”小狼说完,哭着跑开了。 智者走到哭泣的儿子身边说:“我现在还不会离开你。 我们好好地分享在一起的时光吧。” 小狼问道:‘‘我们能去那个漂亮的湖里钓鱼吗?” "当然可以。”智者回答说。 他们两人到了平静的湖边,上了小船,向湖心划去。他们刚放下钓竿就每人钓到了一条鱼。 夜幕降临的时候,他们每人钓了五条鱼。回到了家里, 小狼钻进被窝就睡着了。 第二天早上,智者还没有起床。小狼觉得不太对劲,因为智者平时总是比他起得早。过了一会儿他回来一看,智者还躺在那儿。 “小狼,”智者说,“我病了,需要吃药。” 小狼跑过去从盛药的袋子里拿出了四种智者每天都要吃的药。吃了四天之后,智者死了。 这是小狼一生中最伤心的一天。 那天傍晚小狼悲痛地坐在那儿看着天空。他看到了一些熟悉的东西。白色的,毛茸茸的。 “爸爸!”小狼喊道。那张毛茸茸的脸点了点头,一边眨着眼睛。 那是智者。现在每隔一段时间智者就会下来教小狼怎么样生活。 这就是为什么天空会有云彩。 Why There Are Clouds Long long ago in the forest there lived an old man named Wise Man and his son Little Wolf. Wise Man looked very old and wrinkled. His eyes were filled with wisdom and his head was covered with long white hair. Little Wolf’s hair was black; his eyes could see a toothpick in a whole pile of hay. He could run like a cheetah and he could kill a bear with his bare hands. “Father, we are so lucky to live in the forest together. It is so beautiful," Little Wolf told his father. 14Yes, Little Wolf,’’ Wise Man answered. “But I will not always be here with you; some day I will die and you will hunt and cook for yourself. ” “I do not want to live without you,” Little Wolf replied and he ran off crying. Wise Man went to where his son was crying. “I will not go now so let us share the moments we have. Little Wolf asked, “Can we go fishing in the beautiful lake?” “Of course,” answered Wise Man. The two of them went to the still lake. They got into the canoe and paddled to the middle of the lake. As soon as they set out the rods they both caught a fish. When it started to get dark the two of them went back with five fish each. Little Wolf got into the bedroll and fell asleep. The next morning Wise Man was not up yet. Little Wolf thought something was wrong because Wise Man was always up before him. After a while Little Wolf went back and saw Wise Man lying there. “Little Wolf,” Wise Man said, “j am sick and I need Medicine.” Little Wolf ran to the medicine pouch and got 4 different medicines that Wise Man would have to take every day. Wise Man took the medicine for 4 days and then he died. It was the saddest day of Little Wolf's life. That evening as Little Wolf sat mournfully looking at the sky, he saw something familiar. It was white and fluffy. “Father!” Little Wolf cried. The fluffy face nodded and the eyes twinkled. It was Wise Man. Now every once in a while Wise Man would come down and give Little Wolf advice on how to live. That is why there are clouds. |