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时间:2013-12-25 15:36来源:http://yr.89sp.com 作者:编辑组 点击:
一位土木工程师、一名药剂师和一名经济学家在乡间旅游。走累了,他们决定在小乡村旅馆歇脚。"我只有两个房间,你们中的一个不得不睡马棚。”旅馆主人说。土木工程师自愿睡马棚。他出去了,其他两个人去床上睡了。不一会儿,两人就被敲门声给吵醒了。是土木工程师。他说牲口棚里有只牛,我是印度教教徒,睡在我们神圣的动物旁边,违反我们的信仰。”化学家说好吧,他去睡畜棚。另两个人就回房间睡觉。但很快就被又一阵敲门声惊醒。 化学家说:“牲口棚里有只猪,我是犹太人,我不能和那样的动物睡在一起。”于是经济学家就被打发过去。天色已晚,土木工程师和药剂师又困又乏,很快睡着了。但他们这次被更吵的敲门声给惊醒了,他们打开门,但眼前的景象让他俩惊呆了 :门外站着牛和猪!

An Economist
A civil engineer, a chemist and an economist are traveling in the countryside. Wea¬ry, they stop at a small country inn. “I only have two rooms, so one of you will have to sleep in the barn. ” the innkeeper says. The civil engineer volunteers to sleep in the barn, goes outside, and the others go to bed. In a short time they’re awakened by a knock. It’s the engineer, who says, “There’s a cow in that barn. I’m a Hindu, and it would offend my beliefs to sleep next to a sacred animal. ” The chemist says that, OK, he’ll sleep in the barn. The others go back to bed, but soon are awakened by another knock. It’s the chemist who says, “There’s a pig in that barn. I'm Jewish, and cannot sleep next to that animal. ” So the economist is sent to the barn. It’s getting late, the oth¬ers are very tired and soon fall asleep. But they're awakened by an even louder knoc¬king. They open the door and are surprised by what they see—It’s the cow and the pig!
