很久以前,渔夫站在沙滩上钓鱼,但是始终一无所获。于是他决定试试最后一竿。 可以想象当他感觉到鱼竿上很重的时候是多么的欣喜。当他收线后,看到一只从没有见过的最奇怪的鱼。它有着修长、泛着美丽光泽的尾鳍,金黄色的毛发,还有其他一些有趣的地方。 “我以前可从没有见过这样的鱼。它可真肥,比一般的都大多了。不过吃起来不知道怎么样。”渔夫说。 "请把我抛回我父亲管辖的海浪上去吧。”鱼请求道。 "我可没那样的打算,”渔夫说,"你不小呢,也许我能和你在查理的钓鱼酒吧里合张影。但是查理只给傻瓜和无知的人照相,我不能那样做。猜想我抓着你尾鳍的样子一定很傻。'’ “请把我抛回我父亲管辖的海浪上去吧。”有着金黄色毛发和其他有趣部位的鱼说道。 “不能带你回家。如果我胳膊上挎着你回家,说‘看我有了啥?老婆会想多的,很可能就骂我在酒馆里抓奖浪费钱,还只得了二等奖,臝了个鱼盘子。” "请把我抛回我父亲管辖的海浪上去吧。我会让你实现一个愿望。”有着金黄色毛发和其他有趣部位的鱼说道。 “你开口说话了!"渔夫说,“嗯,一个愿望?让我想想。在卡尔顿赢一场怎么样?——不了,那样的要求太高了。我想到了,金乐透彩票——我想赢得下周金乐透彩票的头等奖。” “你的愿望就会实现。现在把我扔回到海浪……” “是啊,是啊,我知道。”说着,渔夫把这条有着金黄色毛发和构造奇特的怪鱼扔回了海浪……'星期六晚上,渔夫果然赢得了金乐透彩票。他欣喜不已,正在焦急地等着快要到手的彩金。 Fisherman’s Luck Once upon a time a fisherman stood on a beach casting his line into the sea without luck. He decided he would cast his line for one last try. Imagine his joy when he felt a great weight on the end of his line and when he reeled it in. It was the strangest fish he had ever seen. It had a long shiny tail, blonde hair and various other interesting bits. “I’ve never seen one of these before. It's pretty big——must be well over the legal lim¬it. Wonder if they’re good to eat. ” said the fisherman. “Please throw me back into the foaming brine where my father rules. ’’ said the fish. “I don’t know about that,” said the fisherman, “you’re a fair size. It might get me a photo taken with you down at Charlie's Bait Bar. Come to think of it he only does flathead and cod, nah—can’t do that. I reckon I would look bloody silly holding you up by the tail. ’’ “Please throw me into the foaming brine were my father rules. ” said the fish with the blonde hair and the very interesting bits. “Can't take you home. The missus'd go off her brain if I walked in with you under my arm and says, ‘ Look what I caught’ She'd probable accuse me of wasting money on the raffle in the pub only winning second prize in the fish tray. ” “Please throw me back into the foaming brine where my father rules and I will grant you a wish.” Said the fish with the blonde hair and the interesting bits. “Now you’re talking,” said the fisherman. “A wish eh? Let me see. What about Carlton winning a game—nah that’s too much to ask. Yair I know, Gold Lotto—Yair I want first prize in Gold Lotto next Saturday. ” “Your wish is granted. Now lease throw me into the foaming ...” “Yair Yair I know. ” said the fisherman and he took the strange fish with the blonde hair and the interesting bits and threw him back into the foaming etc ... Saturday night came and the fisherman duly won Gold Lotto. Great was his joy. He waited eagerly for the dividend to be declared. |