有四只兔子,平时总是争论不休。其中的三只兔子总是和那第四只意见不一。一天,按照平时的"3:1,少数服从多数”的规则,这只兔子的提议又被否决了,他又输了。这只兔子愤愤不平,决定要真理与正义之神佛尔塞提来裁决。 "哦,佛尔塞提!”他大声喊道,“我心里也清楚我是对的,他们不对。但请您给我证明这一切的征兆吧!" 刚刚天空还晴朗宜人,这只兔子一祈祷完,四只兔子的上空就飘过来一片乌云。天空惊雷一响,就倏地消失了。"这是佛尔塞提给我的征兆!看到了没有。我是正确的,我就知道的!"但其他三只兔子不同意,他们说大热天出现乌云可没什么大惊小怪的。 于是这只兔子再次祈祷:“哦,真理与正义之神!我需要更明显的征兆来说明我是对的,他们是错的。所以请您,真理与正义之神,再给一个征兆吧!"这次天空出现了四片乌云,飘动着迅速汇集成了一片更大的乌云。一道闪电过来,附近小山上的一棵树被击中了。 “我对你们说我才是对的吧!”兔子喊道。但他的朋友们坚持认为这些自然现象根本就说明不了什么问题。 这只兔子刚要请求一个更明显的征兆,然而他刚说了句"哦,真理与正义之神……,”天空就立时乌黑一片,大地也摇晃不止,远处迅速传来一个深沉的声音:"他——是正确 这只兔子转向其他三只:“这下你们没话说了吧?” "这样的话,”其中一只兔子耸耸肩,"那现在也是3:2。” Arguments of Four Rabbits Four rabbits had a series of arguments, and three were always in accord against the the odd rabbit out, after the usual “3 to 1,majority rules” statement that signified that he had lost again, decided to appeal to a higher authority,Forseti. “Oh, Forseti!” he cried. “I know in my heart that I am right and they are wrong! Please give me a sign to prove it to them!” It was a beautiful, sunny day. As soon as the rabbit finished his prayer, a storm cloud moved across the sky above the four. It rumbled once and dissolved. “A sign from Forseti! See, I'm right, I knew it!” But the other three disagreed, pointing out that storm clouds form on hot days. So the rabbit prayed again,“ oh,Forseti,I need a bigger sign to show that I am right and they are wrong. So please, Forseti, a bigger sign!” This time four storm clouds appeared, rushed toward each other to form one big cloud, and a bolt of lightning slammed into a tree on a nearby hill. “I told you I was right!” cried the rabbit, but his friends insisted that nothing had happened that could not be explained by natural causes. The rabbit was getting ready to ask for a very big sign,but just as he said,“ oh Forseti.the sky turned pitch black, the earth shook, and a deep, booming voice in¬toned ,“ Heeeeeeeeee’s Riiiiiiiiight!” The rabbit turned to the other three, and said, “well?” “So,” shrugged one of the other rabbits, “now it’s 3 to 2.” |