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时间:2013-12-23 23:31来源:http://yr.89sp.com 作者:编辑组 点击:
圣人纳拉达是个坚定的单身主义者,但他见到斯瑞马蒂公主时坠入了爱河。令他沮丧的是,另一位叫图姆布鲁圣人也爱上了公主,并且想跟她结婚。 两人都是毗湿奴的信徒,都请他帮忙
①注释: 毗湿奴:印度主要神灵之一,作为世界的保护和维持者受到崇拜。

The Two Bachelors
Narada, the celestial sage, was a confirmed bachelor, but one day he saw Princess Shrimati and fell in love with her. To his dismay, another sage, Tumburu, was also smit¬ten by her and wanted to marry her.
Both were devotees of— Lord Vishnu1 and both sought his help. Narada asked that Tumburu’s face should change into a bear’s at the Swayamvar2 at which the princess would select her husband.
Tumburu, not knowing that his rival had already approached Vishnu, made a similar request. He asked that Narada should appear to have a monkey's face.
At the Swayamvar, the princess trooped downs the long line of suitors with her gar¬land. Narada and Tumburu stood out among the others, but when she went closer, Narada’s face suddenly seemed to change and take on a simian look. She hastily turned to Tumburu, but to her horror he now looked like a bear. As she stood there in confu¬sion, she suddenly saw another man standing between Narada and Tumburu. It was Lord Vishnu himself. He had come to find out how his devotees were faring. The prin¬cess, however, did not care who he was and why he had come. She was so relieved to see a normal human face that she immediately put the garland round his neck.
Narada and Tumburu did not mind losing to Lord Vishnu, but each was secretly glad that the other had not got the princess.
