一位隐士住在韩国的仑山上。他智慧超群又懂魔法,所以很多人来向他请教。一天,一个妇女前来求他帮自己重新获得丈夫的爱。 “他赴战场之前对我钟情、体贴。”她解释说,"三年后回来的他变得冷漠、无情。” "的确是战争之过。"隐士说。 "他们说你可以制出一种药,人吃了就会重获爱心。”妇女说。 "我的确可以造出这种药,但我还缺一种原料。” “什么原料? ”妇女问。 “是老虎的胡须。” 妇女答应帮他找这种原料,离开了。第二天,她就去寻找老虎,最终在河岸发现了一只。 老虎看到她,大吼一声。她就退了回来。 她第二天又去了那个地方。老虎又咆哮,她又退了回来。但她一直坚持去那个河岸,老虎逐渐习惯了她在那出现,不再咆哮了。 她开始给老虎带食物。渐渐地,老虎对她很友好,甚至直接向她走过来取食物。 一天,她小心翼翼地伸出手拍了一下老虎的脑袋。 几天之后,她把手放到老虎的脸上。 然后有一天,她很灵巧地拔了他一根胡须。 她拿着胡须,飞奔到隐士那儿。 “我弄到了! ”她得意洋洋地说。 "很好。”隐士说。 他把胡须拿到壁炉旁,扔进去烧了。 "你在干什么呢!”妇女大吃一惊,"你答应过给我一剂魔药的。” “你不需要了。”隐士轻轻地说,"告诉我,你是怎样获得老虎的青睐的。用温柔和耐心去对待一个人,他的回应又怎会不及一头野蛮、嗜血的野兽呢?去吧,用你对老虎的方法获取你丈夫的心吧。” 妇女转身离去,一边慢慢地往家走,一边想着隐士的话。当她看到丈夫时,本能地想转身而去。这时,她想起了老虎和隐士的话,于是她整理了一下自己,面带微笑,迎了去。 The Tiger’s Whisker An old hermit lived in the Lun Mountains of Korea. Many people sought his advice for he was a font of wisdom and was knowledgeable in the magical arts. One day, a woman came and pleaded with him to help her regain her husband’s affection. “He was so loving and caring before he left for the wars,” she explained. “He has returned after three years but now he is cold and aloof. “War does these things to men.” said the hermit. “They say you can make a potion that can kindle love in the person who consumes it.” said the woman. “I could make such a potion, it is true, but I lack one of the ingredients that go into its making.” “What is this ingredient? asked the woman. “It is a tiger's whisker.” The woman left promising to get what he wanted. The very next day she went in search of a tiger and finally saw one on the banks of a river. The tiger snarled when he saw her and she retreated. She returned to the spot the next day. Again the tiger snarled and again she retrea¬ted. But she kept going to the place and gradually the animal got used to her presence and stopped snarling. She began to bring him food. In course of time the tiger became so friendly that he would come right up to her to take the food. One day she timidly reached out and patted his head. A few days later she ran her hand down the side of his face. And then one day she deftly pulled out one of his whiskers. She rushed to the hermit’s house with the whisker. “I've got it!” she said, triumphantly. “Good!” said the hermit. He took the whisker to the fireplace and dropped it into the fire. “W-what have you done!” said the woman, aghast. “You promised to make me a magic potion!” “You don't need one," said the hermit, softly. “Tell me, how did you win the tiger’s affection? Through gentleness and patience, would a man be less responsive than a sav¬age and blood thirsty beast? Go and win over your husband as you did the tiger. ” The woman turned over what the hermit had said in her mind as she slowly made her way home. When she saw her husband her first instinct was to turn away, then remem¬bering the tiger and the hermit's words, she checked herself and moved forward, a smile on her face. |