一只猫头鹰住在树上。一只大象常到树下过夜。久而久之,他们成了好朋友。 一天晚上,大象寻找食物的时候,误闯入魔鬼的聚会。 看到大象,魔王大喊起来:“就是他,就是他丨,, "大王,他是谁?”他的随从问。 ‘‘昨天晚上,我梦见自己吃了一头大象。"魔王说,‘‘跟这头大象很像。抓住他给我吃,好让我梦想成真。” 魔鬼们抓住了大象。他已经吓得不知如何反抗了。魔王在王后的陪同下,龇牙咧嘴地向他走来。大象的腿开始发软。 突然,他的朋友,猫头鹰飞扑下来,尖叫着:"就是她,就是她丨"然后落在大象的脑袋上。 魔王停了下来。 "你是指谁,鸟儿?”他咆哮着。 ‘‘是王后。”猫头鹰说,“我昨晚梦见跟她结婚了。请让我们结婚,好让我梦想成真。" "我绝不可能嫁给一只猫头鹰丨”王后喊道。 “没有人让你嫁给他,亲爱的。”对她十分敬畏的魔王说,"梦是不能当真的。看,这就是我在梦里吃掉的那头大象,但现在我放他走。" 大象跌跌撞撞地走了,并喃喃地说着谢谢朋友之类的话。 Dreams An owl had its home in a tree under which an elephant used ;to:Dend the night. In course of time the two became good friends. One evening, the elephant while looking for food, blunderedi.;.herng of de¬mons. On seeing the elephant, the demon-king began to shout, “Who is he, O king?” asked his attendants. “Last night, I dreamt I ate an elephant,” said the demon. Itsnaikably like this one here. Catch him and let me eat him so that my dream mdrue. The demons caught the elephant who was so terrified that he.no distance whatsoever. His knees began to buckle as the king, accompanied by his queen, began to advance on him, teeth bared. Suddenly his friend, the owl, came swooping down, shriekingbrjits her!”and settled on the elephant’s head. The king stopped dead in his tracks. “Who are you referring to, bird?” he growled. “The queen,” said the owl. “Last night I dreamt I married her. Please marry us so that my dream may come true. ” “I will never marry an owl!” declared the demoness. “And nobody is asking you to, my dear,” said the king wholly afraid of her. “Dreams are not to be taken seriously. See, here is the elephant I ate in my dream her. but I’m letting him go.” The elephant lumbered away, muttering thanks to his friend. |