美国空军参谋长决定,他将亲自参与解决这次所有武装力量的征兵危机。他指示开放附近的一个空军基地,把所有符合条件的男女青年都邀请来。 参谋长和部下都站在一个全新的F-15战斗机旁,一对孪生兄弟,似乎刚刚看到了海军陆战队的招募海报,向他们走来。参谋长走上前来,伸出手来,先自我介绍了一下。 他看着第一个年轻人问道:"小伙子,你加入空军,有什么特长?” 年轻人看着他回答:"我是飞行员!” 参谋长大喜过望,对助手说:“让他今天入伍,填好所有的表格,快点!" 助手赶紧带那个年轻人离开了,参谋长看着第二个年轻人问道:“你要加入空军,有什么特长?” 年轻人回答:"我会砍木头!” “小伙子,"参谋长说道,"在空军里,我们不需要人砍木头,你知道该做什么吗?” "我会砍木头!" "年轻人,”参谋长发火了,你听我说,我们不需要人砍木头,这是20世纪了!" "可是,”年轻人说道,“你录取了我哥哥!" “当然,”参谋长说,"他是个飞行员!” 年轻人眼睛转了转,说道:"那又怎么样?必须是我先砍完木头后他才能把木头堆起来!” 注:pilot飞行员;pileit堆木头,二者读音相近。 Recruiting Any and All Pilots The chief of staff of the US Air Force decided that he would personally intervene in the recruiting crisis affecting all of our armed services. He directed that a nearby Air Force base be opened and that all eligible young men and women be invited. As he and his staff were standing near a brand new F-15 Fighter, a pair of twin brothers who looked like they had just stepped off a Marine Corps recruiting poster walked up to them. The chief of staff walked up to them, stuck out his hand and introduced himself. He looked at the first young man and asked," Son,what skills can you bring to the Air Force?" The young man looks at him and says,"I’m a pilot!" The general gets all excited, turns to his aide and says, "Get him in today, all the paper work done, everything, do it!" The aide hustles the young man off. The general looks at the second young man and asked, "What skills to you bring to the Air Force?" The young man says,”I chop wood!” "Son," the general replies, “we don’t need wood choppers in the Air Force, what do you know how to do?" "I chop wood!” "Young man,” huffs the general, " you are not listening to me,we don ’ t need wood choppers, this is the 20th century!" “Well," the young man says, "you hired my brother! “Of course we did," says the general, "he,s a pilot!” The young man rolls his eyes and says, "So what! I have to chop it before he can pile it! ®" |