查尔斯王子开车在母亲的庄园周围兜风时,不小心从母亲心爱的宠物——威尔士矮脚狗身上压了过去,当即把狗压成了肉醫。他从自己的"路虎一览胜”上下来,坐在草地上,心烦意乱。整个世界都在和他作对,现在母亲也会发狂的。 突然他发现一盏灯半埋在土中,他把灯挖了出来,擦拭了一下,面前马上出现了个妖怪。妖怪说:“你把我从几千年的监禁中解脱出来,为了报答你我会满足你的一个愿望。” "好吧,"王子说道,"我什么都不缺,但你跟我来看看这条狗。’’ 他们走到压得血肉模糊狗的旁边:"你能帮我把这只狗变活吗?”王子问。 妖怪仔细看了看狗的尸体,摇了摇头。狗的尸体压得不像样子了,我也不能把它复原了,还有其他什么事情我可以帮你吗?" 王子考虑了片刻,从口袋里掏出了两张照片。“我以前和这个叫黛安娜的漂亮女人结了婚。”查尔斯王子说着,把第一张照片给妖怪看。“但现在我爱这个叫卡米拉的女人。”他又把第二张照片给妖怪看,“你瞧,卡米拉一点也不漂亮,所以你能把卡米拉变得和黛安娜—样漂亮吗?” 妖怪打量了这两张照片一会儿,然后说道:“让我再看看那条狗吧。” Prince Charles Prince Charles was driving around his mother! s estate when he accidentally ran over her favorite dog, a Corgi, crushing it to a pulp. He got out of his Range Rover and sat down on the grass totally distraught. The whole world was against him and now his mother would go ballistic. Suddenly he noticed a lamp half-buried in the ground. He dug it up, polished it and immediately a genie appeared. "You have freed me from thousands of years of imprisonment," said the genie, "As a reward I shall grant you one wish." "Well,” said the Prince,"I have all the material things I need, but let me show you this dog." They walk over to the splattered remains of the dog. "Do you think you could bring this dog back to life for me?" the Prince asked. The genie carefully looked at the remains and shook his head. “This body is too far gone for even me to bring it back to life. Is there something else you would like?” The Prince thought for a minute, reached into his pocket and pulled out two photos. “I was married to this beautiful woman called Diana,” said Prince Charles, showing the genie the first photo. "But now I love this woman called Camilla,” and he showed the genie the second photo. "You see Camilla isn’t beautiful at all, so do you think you can make Camilla as beautiful as Diana?" The genie studied the two photographs and after a few minutes said, "Let's have a look at that dog again.” |