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时间:2013-12-03 22:37来源:http://yr.89sp.com 作者:编辑组 点击:
在巴西,一位妇女产下一个16磅重的男婴。问起她的感受时,这位母亲只做出这样的回答:哎唷,我的上帝! 我当时就想,如果这个孩子的父母是侏儒的话就有趣了。那样的话,父母和
男婴的第一次进食是一瓶6盎司的配方奶粉。他吃得很好,没有出现任何消化问题。第二餐男婴吃掉了一瓶6盎司的婴儿食品,2个腊肠三明治,和一整盒的小黛比燕麦奶油馅饼。吃完后,他排下了4磅半的粪便。 .

A 16-Pound Baby Boy
A woman in Brazil gave birth to a 16-pound baby boy. When asked for a comment, she said, “Wow,Oh my God, Wow!”
I was thinking it would have been cool if this baby had been born to midget parents:that way, they could all share the same clothes.
Where did the 16-pound baby sleep? Anywhere he wanted!
Based on the birth weight of an average baby, this child should grow up to be fourteen feet tall, and weigh over five hundred pounds.
Hospital staff indicated the child was doing very well and should be able to drive himself home in a few days.
Baby's first meal was a six ounce bottle of formula, which went down well, as the baby didn’t appear to have any digestion problems. Baby's second meal was a six ounce bottle of formula, two bologna sandwiches, and an entire box of Little Debbie Oatmeal Cream Pies. The baby followed this up by taking a four and a half pound dump.
There was a minor incident during the baby’s first bath when the large young child rolled over and caused a tsunami that raced across the car wash bay at five hundred miles an hour, soaking the shoes of several Indonesian bystanders.
Despite such protests from the parents as, “Our baby isn’t Buddha, stop rubbing his belly!” Japanese tourist were still lining up around the block.
Officials were already in talks with the baby’s parents with the intention of using the baby to replace the underdog balloon in the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade.
Scientists that were once concerned that the Dec. 2004 earthquake and tsunami had knocked the earth slightly off its axis were relieved to announce that the gravitational forces generated by the 16-pound baby had put it back.

Hospital staff had asked the baby to stop stomping around the nursery pretending to be Godzilla. While they admitted that it must be fun for him, it’s terrorizing the normal babies.
