三位男士申请中央情报局的同一职位,并成为最后候选人。这时他们被告知,在最后一轮的筛选中,需要他们的妻子参与。“我们需要了解一下你们的家庭生活。"面试官对他们说。 这当然没问题。第二天,三位男士都带来了自己的妻子。三位男士及其妻子分别被安置在单独的房间里。面试官们首先走进第一位候选人的房间: “有时候,中情局的特工人员会接到一些在他们看来似乎是错误的命令。我们需要确信你的个人感情不会妨碍任务的完成,并且保证完成我们交给的任何任务。" 话音刚落,其中一位面试官拔出一支枪。"去另一间屋里,杀死你的妻子。”他命令道。 “什么?你们疯了吗?”第一个候选人喊道,“我有两个很棒的孩子,并且我爱我的妻子!留着你们那该死的工作吧!”说完这些,他带着妻子扬长而去,放弃了得到这份工作的机会。 接着,面试官们又来到第二个候选人的房间,给出了同样的说明和命令。 "你们一定是在开玩笑吧,”他吃惊地喊道,“我们结婚已经30年了。和她在一起我非常快乐。去你妈的工作吧!”说完这些,他也带着妻子忿忿离去,放弃了这个机会。 最后,面试官们来到第三个候选人的房间,给出了同样的说明和命令。 面试官刚一说完,这个候选人立即拿起枪冲了出去,闯进了妻子的房间。6声急促的枪响过后是短暂的寂静。接着,面试官们听到了各种各样的撞击声。最后,候选人疲惫不堪地从房里走出来,浑身是血。 "发生了什么事?”面试官们问道。 候选人回答道:“不知哪个笨蛋忘了在枪里装子弹。没办法,我只好把那个婊子给掐死了。” Three Candidates Three guys are finalists for one position with the CIA. The candidates are told that for the last phase of the selection process they need to bring their wives in. “We need to know some things about your home life,” they are told. No problem, all three men bring in their wives the next day. The three wives are placed in separate rooms, as are the candidates. The CIA interviewers go into the room with the first candidate. “Sometimes CIA agents are asked to do things that seem wrong to them. We need to know for sure that your conscience will not get in the way of our objectives, and that you’ll be able to carry out whatever task we ask of you.” With that, one of the interviewers pulls out a gun. “Go into the other room and kill your wife,"are the instructions he gives. “What, are you crazy?'he responds. “I’ve got two great kids and I love my wife. You can keep your stinking job!” And with that, he takes his wife and removes himself from consideration. The agents approach the second candidate with the same explanation and instruction. “You’ve got to be kidding!” he exclaims, “We’ve been married for 30 years. I couldn’t be happier with her. Screw you and your job!” And, with that, he takes his wife and removes himself from consideration. Finally, the agents approach the last candidate and give him the same explanation and instruction. Instantly, he darts out of the room with the gun and into the room where his wife is. Six quick shots are fired. After a brief silence, the agents can hear all kinds of crashing noises. Finally the candidate emerges from the room all frazzled and bloody. “What happened in there?” the agents ask. The candidate responds, “Some idiot put blanks in that gun. I had to strangle the bitch!” |