一个人在横穿马路时被撞,头部受伤,昏迷了两天才醒过来。他睁开眼时,他的妻子在他身边。 他握住他妻子的手,意味深长地说:“你总会在我身边。我大学时成绩不好,学习很吃力, 考试总是不及格,甚至有时候连补考都无法通过。那时你就总是在我身边,鼓励我,让我继续努力。” 妻子紧紧地握住了他的手,他继续说道:"我一次次地去面试工作,却又一次次地失败,你还是一直在我身边,给我剪下更多的招聘广告让我去应聘。” 他继续说道:“后来,我去了一家小公司工作,最后终于有机会经手一笔大生意。但由于我的小小失误,这笔生意泡汤了。可是,你还是在我身边。” "再后来,失业一段时间后,我终于又找到了另一份工作。但在那里,我好像永远得不到提升,我的工作也得不到认可。这样,从到公司至今,我一直在原来的职位上……但你还是在我的身边。” 妻子热泪盈眶,听丈夫继续往下说。"现在,我被撞了,我醒后还是你在我身边……” "有句话,我真的很想对你说……” 妻子一下子扑倒在床上,抱住她的丈夫,痛哭流涕。 他说:“我觉得,你真的让我很倒霉……” Married Life A man was walking across the road when he met the accident. The impact was on his head which caused him to be comatose for two days before he finally regained consciousness. When he opened his eyes, his wife was there beside him. He held her hands and said meaningfully, “You have always been beside me. When I was a struggling university student, I failed again and again. And sometimes, even my re-papers as well. You were always there beside me, encouraging me to go on trying. ” She squeezed his hands as he continued, “When I went for ail the major interviews and failed to clinch any of the jobs, you were there beside me, cutting out more advertisements for me to apply. ” He continued, “Then I went to work at the little firm and finally got to handle a big contract. I blew it because of one little mistake. And you were there beside me. ’’ “Then I finally got another job after being laid off for some time. But I never seem to be promoted and my hard work was not recognized. As such, I remained in the same position from the day I joined the company until now. .. And you were there beside me. ’, Her eyes brimmed with tears as she listened to her husband. “And now I met an accident and when I woke up,you are here beside me... ” • There’s something I’ll really like to say to you... ” She flung herself on the bed to hug her husband, and sobbing with emotion. |